Chapter Forty-Seven

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Chapter Forty-Seven – Pack.

Kaden Reid's P.O.V.

I wake up with a start, feeling someone pushing at the mental barrier I had put up earlier. Letting them in, I realize it's Rico as his voice echoes inside my mind.

"Rogues surrounding the back. You need to come outside." He states in a firm voice, making me stiffen.

I look down at my mate who's cuddled up to me, half her body over mine. Stroking her incredibly soft hair, my fingertips wander to her warm skin. I press a gentle kiss to her forehead, growling softly in annoyance when I hear Rico telling me to hurry. Sliding out from underneath her, I place a pillow where I once was.

A quiet chuckle escapes me as I watch Luna grab it and bring it to her chest, thinking it's me. I take one last look at her before leaving my room, another memory of her engraved into my mind.

I smell them before I see them, a group of rogues on my patio standing patiently. But, it's their expression that confuses me. They seem scared and tired, like they have lost all hope. I grunt as I open the double doors, stepping out and leaving it slightly open so I can hear Luna if she wakes.

The large crowd huddles together as Rico and I stand before them. I take a moment to scan my eyes over the group, the number two hundred and fifty echoing in my mind as Rico and I state it at the same time. What surprises me is when I recognize people I knew from my father's pack.

"What brings you all here?" My voice is slightly loud as I break the silence, my eyes focusing on an elder that steps forward.

"David." I breath, stepping forward to shake his hand when I recognize the former trainer of the pack's warriors. Before I was banished, David oversaw my training for the Alpha position.

"It's good to see you after all these years, Kaden." He smiles gently, regretting it immediately because of his busted lip. "We need your help."

"Anything." I nod, mind linking Rico to get the first aid kit.

Rico and I, along with others, quickly get to work on cleaning up anyone who is injured. We choose to stay outside to talk since my house isn't big enough to accommodate everyone. I take a seat on the grass, letting the elders sit on the chairs and extra stools. The rest follow suit and surround me.

"Kaden," One of the elders I recognize as Maria, who used to be the pack doctor, speaks. "Since you defeated your father, you are now our rightful Alpha."

My eyes widen as I realize the true consequences of my actions. By law, anyone who overthrows an Alpha must take their position. But I don't know what to say or do.

"Kaden," Rico speaks gently, his hand squeezing my shoulder. "It's time for you to take back what is yours."

I look around me, conflicted with my emotions. People surrounding me, from young to old, look towards me with hope and trust. I want to bring happiness to these people again, but at the same time I fear I will disappoint them.

I feel like I'm not enough.

I sigh and look up, only to double take at the sight of my mate standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame. Nobody has noticed her yet for which I am grateful for. She's dressed in a pair of sweatpants and my t-shirt that completely drowns her, but I've never seen anyone look so beautiful than she does right now.

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