❤❤❤Hey Beautiful People! This Is My First Story But Yeah It'll Probably Suck...So Please Bare With Me Lovelies! I Hope You Enjoy It And Vote. I Actually Love Writing And Using My Immagination Lmaoo Well Vote, Comment, and Share Plz! Thanks xxx (; I Appreciate All Of You Wonderful People! ❤❤❤
~Dania ツ❤
Honestly, I'm done with all the players. I've been played once that changed me... a lot. I used to be sweet and stuff but I get played once, You won't live It down. I loved a guy once.. He meant everything to me... He took hold of me and broke me. Now all You see is guys banging girls anywhere around The school. Just disgusting if You ask me.
"Hey," says Orlando smiling at me as I walk towards My car. I literally can't stand him! His beautiful face with pearl white teeth and gorgeous emerald green/brownish eyes. His body was in perfect shape. He had a body like a Hollister model.His hair gently blowing in The air. "Hi," I simply say regreting to say anything. "Wanna chill later?" Orlando asks leaning against My car. "Ugh, No," I say rudely. Out of all the players he's The best of The best. Yes, he's amazingly gorgeous and can pull any girl... except me. Guys have tried but I deny them. If I have to punch a player I will.
"Come on, you'll have fun,"
"How about you leave and pretend I never talked To You," I say looking straight at him. Yes It sounds rude but he deserves It. He played my bestfriend, Ashley, how The fuck am I suppose To feel toward him. "Damn okay," He says walking away. "Party pooper," I heard Orlando mumble under His breath.
Orlando and I never had a good relationship since he started to play girls. On the other hand, my brother Joshua, he's just something. He's my bestfriend. Been there from the beginning and never letting me down like my dad did. My dad left us when My mom was pregnant, thinking I wasn't his. He, my dad, still had the guts to want to talk to me. Every time I hear His name It makes me want to kill him. Now come to think of It, I was made like this since I was small.
"You alright?" Josh (my brother) asked concerned. "Yeah, uh, you're going with Orlando?" I ask playing with my hair. "Hell Yeah... club tonight!" Josh yelled as I laugh silently. "Ooh have fun," I say getting in my car. "I will," Josh said winking as I shake my head. He leaned in my window and kissed my forehead "Love you," He said walking towards Orlando.
"You like Orlando?" Ashley asks walking in my room with cookies. "Hell nah," I say taking a cookie. "Really?" she asks not believing me. "Yes simple as that," I say taking a bite off my cookie.
Turns out I'm so complicated! I don't understand myself sometimes but one thing is for sure that I obviously Don't like Orlando, I mean how can I, right?
"Hey babe," says Jonathan kissing my cheek gently and hugging Ashley. "Hey," I say looking at him then down at the white carpet.
Me and Jonathan have been dating for three months already. Every girl wants him too but to bad he's mine! Orlando, Josh, and Jonathan are bestfriends since I don't know when. Jonathan is Cute.. he has beautiful black eyes and a pretty smile. Except he's going to graduate next year and probably leave me cause I still need two years in high school. He helps me through a lot, I cut my wrist and thought of committing suicide but I can't!
"I Just Can't!" I yell out loud. "Can't What babe?" Jonathan asks helping me up. "Ooh nothing babe," I say holding His hands in mine. "Well I have to Go... bye," says Ashley winking at me then hugs Jonathan and I.
Suddenly Jonathan's phone rang. He stared at It but Didn't answer. "Who is It babe?" I ask. Damn, I'm being a nosy girlfriend now! "No one," he says with a smile as He stares at me. "Ooh, okay," I say not completely believing him. He never given me a reason not to trust him, but lately he's not the same... we never hang out like we used to or talk like we used to. He says it's because he's been busy looking for colleges and stuff. I mean I understand that but he still has a year to go....
It was really dark and after Jonathan left I sat on my bed looking around my room. "Shit!" I yell quickly as Josh runs in my room yelling. "Best. Day. Ever!" he yelled standing in front of me playing with my cheeks. "Had a good girl tonight, huh?" I ask him. "The best! She gave me her number," he says proudly. "Wow Mr. Player," I say clapping sarcastically. He looked at me with his gorgeous chocolate brown eyes. He had a beautiful, white smile and really cute dimples. He was buff and you could clearly see his abs and muscles with any type of shirt. Sometimes I wonder how are we related? He's So perfect and I'm always ratchet. Then again we're from different moms... His mom died giving birth to him and my mom got to It with His dad. He's the brother I always wanted but couldn't have. He loves me a lot and is really overprotective but I understand why.
"Get up and let's go somewhere," I look at him and groan. "Nah I'm good," I say laying down. Josh hovers over me and looks down at me. "I'm not taking No for an answer," he say pulling me up. "But.." I began. "But nothing," Josh says cutting me off. I slap him gently as he throws me on the bed.
The next morning at school Orlando looks over at me and Jonathan in disgust. "What got into him," I say looking up at Jonathan. "I don't know babe," he replies sweetly. Orlando walks up to me. "We need to talk," he speaks up. "I have nothing to talk about with You," I spat. Orlando pulls me out the school hurting my wrist.