Requester: DatoneFanpage
Pairing: Damian Wayne x reader
Prompt: Reader is from reality, not their world, and somehow gets to their universe. Happy Ending.
(Y/n)'s pov
Sitting on my couch, I flicked through my Death of the Family comic. A smile was brought to my face as I saw the family escape the Joker's grasps. I killed my thoughts when Damian Wayne was captured, he's my favourite character out of the DC universe.
"Up next is the animated movie from DC comics, Batman vs. Robin." The commentator announced, causing me to perk up in delight. Even thought I've seen the movie more times than I've seen Man of Steel, I'm glad I can re-watch it.
As soon as the opening title page rolled through, something smashed through my window. Jumping, I grabbed the nearest object I could find...a sock. Great, that's really gonna help me take down a criminal. Note the obvious sarcasm.
"Who's there?" I questioned. Great (your name), totally give away your location to the criminal, "I'm armed with a sock...erm...fulled of butter. I'm not afraid to use it!" I yelled. Sock full of butter, really?
A deep chuckled echoed through the room. Pretty sure it came from behind me. Whipping around, all I saw was the shadows of the night. Now I'm paranoid.
"Oh...this will be fun." A voice chuckled before something whacked me in the back of the head. Groaning, I collapsed on to the floor. Through my blurred vision, I saw a silhouette of the person before darkness took over.
Damian's pov
Tt... Saturday morning and father has woken me up at eight a.m. Normally, I would be fine with that arrangement, however, Sunday I spend my time sleeping. I would wake up at approximately ten a.m.
"Damian, wake up. It's a family emergency." Father demanded, causing me to groan in annoyance. Dragging myself out of bed, I followed father down to the batcave. When we arrived, everyone, including us, were still in their nightwear. However, Jones was in her usual working
"Why are we here, old man, and who's the person?" Jason questioned, clearly annoyed that he was woken up. Father's glare landed on Jones, who just shrugged. She was never really affected by Father's batglare.
"Well, on my lovely patrol and adventures, I came across a house which was being robbed. The person," she gestures to the unconscious person, laying on the medical table, "is the owner of the house. (Your full name) is (his/her) name. The thug was in the same room as them and was about to commit a murder. I intervened. Unfortunately, they heard the knife being thrown out the window." She explained, hanging her head low and wrapping her arms around herself, "I didn't know what to do. They didn't see all. I put my voice changer on to trick them, however, I had to knock them out. Bringing them here was the only option I thought of." She stayed silent after that. Didn't father tell her never to bring people here, especially when we know nothing of them.
"Tyler..." Father trailed off, causing her eyes to snap up.
"For the thousandth time, Bruce, I'm sorry!" She yelled. (Last name) jolted up from her obnoxiously loud voice. Oh this will be amusing.
Y/n's pov
"For the thousandth time, Bruce, I'm sorry!" A female voice yelled angrily at this Bruce guy. Jolting up, I panted. Fear took over me. Did this Bruce guy kidnapped me and took me somewhere. Whipping my head around, I saw five guys and a girl standing there. The girl was dressed in black, whilst the rest were in nightwear.
"Where am I? Who are you guys? What happened?" I panicked. I just wanted to go home and cuddle up to my batman plushie.
"Calm down, you're in the batcave. We're the bat family. We don't know, you can asked Detective Jones." The second eldest guy answered. He kinda looked like Dick Grayson.
"You guys look familiar. You're the bat family and the Wayne family. Both are alter egos." I thought out loud. They stared at me shocked, apart from the girl.
"Tyler, this is your mess. Fix it!" Jason, I assumed, demanded to the girl. Sighing, she turned to me.
"Welcome (your name) to the DC universe." I stared at her, my eyes widen when she mentioned 'DC', "Of course, you're in the batcave. You know who these guys are. Also, this is my fault...Seriously my fault. You were getting robbed and the thug was gonna stab you. I knocked the guy out and threw the knife away...however, that caught your attention." She rambled in a calm voice.
"So, you're the one who brought me here?" I queried, standing up and stretching. She scratched the back of her neck and nodded. Sighing, I glanced around. Never in my entire life would I believe to be walking in the batcave. It's bigger than the movies and tv shows view it as.
"Tt. Where will they stay? They can't be here." Damian complained. always.
"Well, they can stay here, with us, or with Tyler. Their choice." Bruce explained before turning to me, "Your choice."
Third person
Option 1 - Wayne Manor (Happy Ending)
After the fiasco with Tyler bringing (your name) here, you chose to stay in Wayne Manor. For some reason, you felt safer there than in Tyler's apartment. Also the fact that she basically kidnapped you from your universe. In the end, you became friends with her and she explained it was by accident but she never apologised. How rude. Bruce became a second father to you, after you explained your previous life.
This was your time to start a new life. Dick, Jason and Tim became brothers to you, whereas Damian became more. Few years later, you thanked Tyler for bringing you here, even when she offered to take you back. You felt like you were apart of something more than the life you were living back in your old universe.
Option 2 - Tyler's place (Sad Ending)
A few years ago, you were kidnapped by a vigilante that never existed in the DC universe. When the offer came up to stay somewhere, you felt that the bat family didn't want you, so you chose Tyler. Her place was more of a penthouse/studio apartment. Even though, she lived alone, she made it more homey and she explained that more people lived there but they were on holiday.
She offered to find a way to take you back. And back to present, she did. She found a way to take you back. The bat family came to say goodbye, excluding Damian. You was hoping for him to tell you to stay but that never happened. He hated you. He made it clear a few years ago, when you had to choose your accommodation.
After saying goodbye to everyone, you entered the portal, returning back to your parents apartment. You were glad that you were back...but a part of your heart was with them.
Next up: Damian Wayne x sister! reader (two requests combined)
After that: Damian Wayne

Bat Family x Reader Scenarios 2 + Villains
FanfictionYou guys wanted here it is!