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The dystopian and apocalypse profile brings you all things related to the future of the world--post-nuclear wastelands, zombies and aliens, false utopias and horrible dictatorships. Apocalyptic literature is a genre that focuses on the effects of a terrible apocalypse, such as nuclear or biological warfare, natural destruction, a virus or epidemic, or something else that lays waste to the entire world. Apocalyptic literature can include nuclear warfare, pandemics, zombies, aliens, and more! You might have heard of apocalyptic books like "The Fifth Wave" and "I am Legend."

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Dystopian literature focuses more on the social and political structures of the world as it could be in the future--dictatorships, totalitarianism, civil unrest, social dichotomies, and more

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Dystopian literature focuses more on the social and political structures of the world as it could be in the future--dictatorships, totalitarianism, civil unrest, social dichotomies, and more. Many dystopian societies seem like utopia at first, but hide terrible oppression or cruelty. Famous dystopian books include "The Handmaid's Tale," "The Hunger Games," "1984," and "Divergent."

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