Rise of the turtle (Part 2)

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The turtles gathered round the glowing substance that was now in Donnie's hands.
All: Whoa.
Leo: So that's the-
Donnie: Mutagen that turned us all into what we are now.
Mikey: Let's drink some!
Raph: What! Why would you do that?!
Mikey: 'cause if you mutate a mutant, you get a super mutant!
Donnie: Or a pile of goo on the sidewalk.
Raph: Either way, its an improvement.
Leo: Guys, this is huge. Whoever kidnapped those people are somehow connected to what happened to us 15 years ago.
Donnie: How is that possible?
Mikey: For alien robots, anything is possible.
Donnie: Stop that. There is no such thing as alien robots!
Mikey: Oh,yeah?

Mikey walked over to the man on the sidewalk. He was groaning and holding his head.

Mikey: Well, if there's no such thing as alien robots, how do you explain this?

Mikey started pulling on the man's face. You could hear his jaw cracking as he screamed.

???: My face!
Mikey: Man this mask is glued on tight!
Leo: Mikeh, stop it's not a mask!

Mikey looks over the man one more time, and throws him onto the street.

Mikey: Okay. He's in the clear. But those other dudes were totally alien robots.
Raph: Enough

Raph grabs the mutagen from Donnie's hands and walks towards the man.

Raph: Time to get some answers. Who are you and what's going on?
Snake: Name's snake, and I have nothing to say to you hideous freaks.
Raph: Oh,well, thats 'cause you don't know us yet.

Raph throws the man down the street where he is caught by Donnie and Mikey. You could see the fear in his eyes

Raph: See, we were just regular guys, until we got hit with a little of this...

Raph unscrewed the top of the canister.

Snake: What are you doing?
Raph: Playing a little game I like to call, mutation roulette. Now you could turn out handsome like me, or you might end up disgusting and deformed, like Mikey here.
Mikey: Hey!
Raph: So, you feeling lucky?

Raph slowly poured the mutagen over snake. The closer it got the more scared he was. Snake couldn't take it anymore.

Snake: Okay, okay! They call themselves the kraang. They been grabbing scientists from all over the city.
Leo: Well that worked pretty good.
Raph: Of course it did. Would you wanna end up looking like Mikey.
Mikey: I'm right here.
Leo: What do they want with the scientists?
Snake: I don't know.

Raph slightly shakes the mutagen in a threatening way.

Snake: All I know is they're taking them out of the city tonight, but I don't know where!
Donnie: This is awesome. That girl's dad is a scientists. I'm a scientists, she is so gonna like me.
Snake: I don't think you're her type.
Mikey: Why is everyone focusing on one girl and her father? You know another girl was kidnapped, right?

The turtles moved closer to Snake.

Leo: Where are they now? ************************************************************************************************************
The turtles stood on the top of a building. Leo, Donnie, and Raph stood at the edge looking at the building that held the hostages. While Mikey kept watch of Snake.

Leo: There's gotta be...like...20 of them down there.
Donnie: Yeah, and that's just the ones we can see.
Raph: Alright! An all-you-can-beat buffet!
Leo: We can't just rush in there. We need a plan.
Raph: WHY!
Donnie; Think, you shellbrain. There are innocent lives at stake. If we screw this up, they're all goners.
Raph; Then we won't screw it up.
Mikey: Boy, I could sure go for some of that pizza right now, huh?

The older turtles looked down at the younger.

Mikey: What? I can't be the only on that's hungry.
Leo: Where's snake?
Mikey: Oh, geez.

The turtles see snake running away while laughing.

Leo: Get him! ************************************************************************************************************

Donnie and Mikey ran to a wall. Donnie kneeled down.

Donnie: Maybe he went over the wall.
Mikey: I'm on it.

Donnie make a basket with his hands and threw him over the wall.

Donnie: Alley oop! Mikey:*laughing*

All that was heard next was glass shattering and Mikey grunting. Oh! And there were dogs. And cars.
Mikey: Ow, I don't think he went this way. ************************************************************************************************************

Raph and Leo ended up at a alley. they heard a clatter in the alley and knew it was snake. They smirked.
(Girl 2's POV)
We were thrown into their cells
April was banging the door and screaming.
Mr. O'neil had his head in his knees.
And I was watching it all.

April: We need to get out!
Vixen: Calm down April. We will get out.
April: First of all, dont tell me to calm down, Vixen!
Vixen: First of all, dont use that tone with me. Because you know know good and well I will smack you so hard , you will go back in time.
April: Second, how are we gonna get out?
Vixen: You know those turtles will save us.
April: Nothey wont!
Vixen: You wanna put your money where your mouth is?
April: Bring it on.

For the next hour April tried to escape, but fails.
Vixen hears familiar voices annd smiled wide.
Vixen: You owe me 20 buck.
April: Shut up.

While April on talked with the purple clad turtle, I waited calmly. The red clad turtle started to stab the board with his sais. (Yes I know what sais are.) He accidentally opened the wrong side where the kraang were coming in. They knocked me out.

I woke up, finding myself on a couch in a strange living room.

Vixen: HELLO! IS ANYBODY HERE! Mikey: Hey your awake! So do you want to be my friend? Vixen: If you tell me what happened, then maybe. ************************************************************************************************************

For the rest of the night, Vixen and Mikey talked and became friends. Not Best friend. At least not yet.

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