Chapter 38: Joy on Christmas Day (Pt. 2)

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As Marcus opened the basement door, a loud crash came into their ears. "Oh not again," he groaned and ran down the stairs while Mother Nature quickly followed. As they reached the bottom, Mother Nature made a slight scream when a black figure almost hit her face. The black figure came back and landed on Marcus' head.

"Don't eat my hair," Marcus said. "I'm warning you." The little dragon disobeyed him and plucked 3 strips of his hair and ate it. "Ow!"

"So that's why I noticed that some of your hair gone less," Mother Nature said.

"He likes my hair more than the food I give him," Marcus said. The little dragon turned around and saw Mother Nature. He stared at her as she was the most beautiful thing he ever seen in his life. He decided to switch his place to Mother Nature's head.

He made himself comfortable on it which made Marcus embarrassed. "Well what a cutie," Mother Nature said and gently rubbed the dragon's head.

"Mother Nature, I think you shouldn't... um... oh..." he cringed himself by the thought of it.

"I shouldn't what?" she asked.

"You see... uh, um, you see sometimes... that pesky little guy, uh..." he tried his best to say it but couldn't spit it out. Then he thought of another way of saying it. "Have you noticed that I shower more often and my hair always smells good?"

"Of course, lemony fresh as always," she said. Marcus bit his lip then that's when she finally gets it. "Oh... But there's nothing yet on my hair right?"

"Yeah but... better be safe than sorry, right? Heh..." Marcus said in an unsure tone.

"But I think he really likes it there," she said while gently scratching the little dragon's chin. "I can always clean my hair anyways."

"Its not really that easy—"

"Oh stop worrying silly!" Mother Nature said. "I'm Mother Nature! I can remove some little poop on my head anytime!"

Marcus cleared his throat and said, "Of course."

During half an hour, Mother Nature played with the little dragon while Marcus was doing his research. But sometimes, Mother Nature doesn't like Marcus doing his 'boring' research.

"Come on, Markimoo,"

"Please don't call me that,"

"Play with us. It'll be fun,"

"I'm not that silly child anymore, Mother Nature,"

"Oh please, I'm like a century old and yet—"

"You still act like a child,"

Mother Nature made a retarded horse sound and just gave her attention back to the dragon.

"Waffle!" the little dragon squeaked.

"What?" Mother Nature confusingly asked.

The little dragon started dancing like a crazy bird. "Waffle! Waffle! Waffle!" he kept saying.

"I have no waffles today, I ran out because of you," Marcus replied.

"Waffle! Waffle!" he started shouting.

"He likes waffles?" Mother Nature asked.


"In fact, he does," Marcus said. "Now keep quiet, father might hear you."


"I said quiet!" Marcus hissed. Marcus and the waffle eating dragon started arguing while Mother Nature watched them as if its a confusing but comedy show.

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