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Speaking of siblings, there should be none as close as Ying Kong Shi and Ka Suo - or Feng Suo as the latter was known in this lifetime. The two of them did spent hundreds upon hundreds of years together back in Snow City to develop such a relationship that nothing including death could come between. After all, there had to be some basis for Shi's rabid devotion to his one and only brother.

With the older brother in Alaska vacationing and Shi still based on earth in Shanghai, both relied on modern human technology to keep in touch.

"Alright, I need to go now, Luo Luo's chasing me," said Feng Suo on the video call.

"Sure. Have fun, ge. Send my regards to Luo Luo and the kids." Shi's smile was lightning quick before the screen went black.

A subtle cough brought the man's attention to the waiter who had materialised nearby. "Sir, this is courtesy of the lady over there," he explained, placing the flute of champagne on the table.

Thinking it was one of Ming Na's pranks, the Ice Prince turned to face the direction that the waiter gestured to. Instead of the reincarnation of the Mermaid Princess, a unfamiliar woman smiled directly at him, tipping her glass by way of greeting.

The man simply looked away, devoid of expression and uninterested. He could tell just from the aroma and appearance that the champagne though was top class, as expected of a Michelin-starred restaurant. Waste not, want not, Shi figured as he took a sip, isn't that one of those mortal sayings?

"Isn't it too early for alcohol?" Ming Na finally waltzed in. "It's only lunchtime."

"I didn't order it. You can have it if you want." Offering the woman the drink, Shi leaned back in the chair.

"Someone bought you a drink? Who?" Ming Na looked around excitedly. Perhaps threatened by the appearance of an attractive companion, Shi's admirer decided to approach the pair.

When Shi didn't respond to the woman who came over, Ming Na attempted to speak up, "I'm sorry. My friend's just a little ..."

Like a rubble of thunder out of nowhere, Shi spoke. "I'm not interested in woman."

Obviously embarrassed, the woman quickly moved off, much to Ming Na's chargin,

"But Shi, she was so pretty."

"By mortal standards." Even after millenniums, the Ice Prince was as cold as snow.

"And by mortal standards, you are super hot." It wasn't the first time that females had hit on Shi and it wasn't going to be the last. It was just unfortunate that the Ice Tribe made beautiful immortals. "You can't stop them from coming up to you. Why don't you try dating? It could be fun."

The former Mermaid Princess knew that Ying Kong Shi stayed on earth to be in close proximity of Feng Suo and also because the other universes were devoid of life form. He wouldn't admit it but he could get quite restless roaming through the barren landscapes of Ice, Fire and everywhere else in between.

"I have my fun. My businesses are interesting." Through his time on earth, Shi had taken an interest in acquiring companies and providing angel funding - to put it simply, playing god in the financial world. Few would believe that such a young looking individual could be the head of Ice, one of the largest merger and acquisition firms in the world. When Shi decided to make public appearances, he was recognised as Ice's Vice President.

"Your business is boring." In her previous life, Lan Shang was one of the few who stood up to Ying Kong Shi and now as Ming Na, she wasn't any different. "Romance can be so exciting."

The conversation paused for a moment as waiters set the hors d'oeuvre before the pair.

"Says the person who couldn't get Ka Suo to fall in love with her in two separate lifetimes," stated Shi.

Pouting at his sarcasm, the woman pointed a fork at her companion. "I am not the one who died twice over for someone who didn't even love her. Poor Yan Da."

That verbal attack went over the line and Ming Na regretted it the moment she said it.

"Just eat." Shi said, his voice as flat as always. He too regretted helping Ming Na restore her past life's memories. Only a flash of blue of his eyes betrayed the slightest emotion.

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