Chapter 22: Whispers

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Today the whispers are about me.  I walk down the hallway of my school for the first time in two days.  I attempt to avoid everyone by keeping my head down, but I can hear them.  Words like my name, Tyler, lake, party, slut, drunk.  I know what they are talking about.  Anonymous is not a word that exists in a small town.  Secrets do not exist in a small town.

I walk straight to my locker.  The more I hear, the more the knot in my throat grows.  Amazing how I never used to cry, now it's daily.  When it starts I can't stop. 

"Tyler said she's lying because she didn't want Kane to know and she's mad that he told her..."

"I heard she wanted it but her dad found out, so she lied and said she was raped..."

"She's sleeping with Courtney's brother now... everyone saw them together at Mickey's..."

"I heard she slept with Kane too.  Siblings? Gross."

The tears begin streaming down my face. I grab my biology book as quickly as I can and practically run the hallway to my first class. 

Morgan and Cole are already paired and sitting at their table, per usual.  She still looks pissed at him. I'm sure they've heard it too.  I avoid eye contact and sit behind them, waiting for Courtney. 

Morgan swings around and her eyes meet mine.  The corners of her lips begin to droop.  "Gabs, is it true?"

I nod my head yes and wipe the tears from my face as I look away from her.

"Gabby, why didn't you say anything before?" she whispers.

"I didn't realize it until the assembly.  I thought maybe I drank more than I remembered.  I know I only made one drink that night.  One drink should not make someone pass out.  I would never sleep with him, he has always creeped me out... it's not as if that was a secret."

She nods her head and turns back around.  Cole says nothing, he hasn't even turned around to look at me.  I'm sure it's not something he feels comfortable talking about, he's my guy friend. 

I look up to the clock and see class is about to start, still no Courtney.  Then I hear the entire room go quiet.  I look to the door and Tyler walks in with Mike.  The knot in my throat grows and bile rises as he smiles.

Don't you dare.

He doesn't even hesitate.  He walks directly into the room towards me and sits beside me, slamming his books down so hard that I jump.   Tears instantly fall down my cheeks.

"Tyler, what are you doing?" Cole turns in his seat, looking amazed at the audacity of Tyler.  "Leave her alone."

I sit as far to my right as I can, pushing all my things over as I scan the room for a different seat. 

Tyler's eyes are fixed on the side of my head, but I refuse to look at him.

"Did you hear they won't be pressing charges, Gabby?  It seems you also have a big mouth with your lies.  You told everyone at Courtney's party the you were beginning to remember parts of that night, such as the size of my dick."

He lied. I didn't.  They seriously aren't pressing charges?!

"It was a joke!" My voice cracks with a sob. "I was trying to get you to back off by saying your dick was small.  I don't even remember seeing it!"

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