Dani and Ryker were waiting for their project to be handed back. Dani had pushed the conversation she'd had with him yesterday to the back of her mind. The Russian teacher handed them their project. She and Ryker exchanged glances. Ryker looked first, then Dani did. The mark was a solid 70%. "It's a good mark," Ryker said. "By my standards, at least. You?" He had begun smiling.
"Me? Well, I think that by my standards, it's a mark I usually get," She replied,smiling. "You thought about what song yet?" Ryker's smile was showing teeth.
"I have, but I'm not gonna say. Just in case someone hears and tells her," Ryker said. Dani looked at him.
"I'd hate that." She passed him a piece of paper. It was a drawing of two humans, that did look like humans weren't Dani's strong point. One was a boy, the other, girl. The boy had features near identical to Ryker's, the girl however, had no face, instead she had a big question mark where her face should be. Under the two humans was words saying, Ryker X ? scribbled in a messy scrawl. "Give that to the special girl on the day.." Ryker gave her a look that seemed to say, You serious? Someone's gonna get a big surprise. Ryker folded the paper and put it in his pocket, silent.
"Thanks," he said. "Should I say it's drawn by you though?" Instead of waiting for a reply, he vigorously wrote down that it was by Dani in the corner. When he finished he placed it back in his pocket.
"Have decided on a d-"
"Quiet in the classroom, please! You guys are chattier than lovebirds!" The teacher snapped, as Dani reddened from embarrassment. Ryker had also flushed in embarrassment. They sank back into their seats. Kayla and Catherine had decided to let Ryker sit next to Dani for the rest of the year.
"Sorry...." Dani mumbled.
"Do you want to keep the project?" Ryker asked suddenly. He was looking at her.
"I could..." She replied. She placed her hand on it ready to take it. Ryker's hand was still on it. Dani found herself wondering how Ryker serenading of his crush would turn out. Then she remembered their conversation yesterday, and she sighed.
"Have you practiced 'You Love For Me', your parts at least, for the play?" Ryker asked suddenly. Dani looked up.
"Ryker and Danielle, can you please shut up?" The teacher asked, loudly. She seemed bothered. The teacher also seemed moodier than usual, and also extremely tired.
"Sorry!" Ryker replied this time. He whispered in Dani's ear,"I can't help it if I'm chatty!" Dani giggled.
"Though you do have to admit, you are a little bit of a chatterbox." Ryker blushed, clearly red.
"I give up," the teacher mumbled. She walked out from behind her desk and Dani saw her stomach region for the first time. Under the blue dress, her stomach area appeared to be slightly swollen. Ryker had noticed this too.
"No wonder she's grouchy," Dani murmured.
"Yeah it's a given," Ryker commented. The rest of the massive class seemed to be mumbling as well. Whether or not it was about the teacher at all.
"Do you ever think about the future?" She asked. "Like what life with a wife would be like?" Ryker looked at her, and was smiling.
"Well maybe.... When I find the special girl I want to spend the rest of my life with...." He was giving her an odd expression. He looked down.
"Well, you'll never know when you'll find your soulmate." Ryker had begun to blush.
"And I don't know, maybe I've found her already," he paused looking at her. Dani wasn't picking up the massive hint he was giving. Kayla seemed to though. "Maybe the girl I will be serenading, will be that special girl."
"Oh. That's a big wish. You don't know how life's gonna work out."
"Or, maybe I do." He winked over at her. Dani couldn't understand why he was winking at her. Dani had completely missed the fact she was blushing.
"Maybe I'll find my Prince Charming, in time," she replied. Kayla was giving her a look of You have no idea. Dani wondered why Kayla was looking like that.