The small pod flew into the planet-like spaceship and landed in a spacious and futuristic hangar. At least these people have a great sense of style. You thought, looking around as much as you could.
"Catherine, here." Kylo's voice sounded cold and strict. You turned around, your eyes leaving the black and grey corridors, the white lights on the ceilings and traded those for the sight of Kylo. He was suddenly looking much more stately and formal, solemn even. "You'll follow me now, no wandering off and no talking." With that he started to walk towards an enormous door. When they were within five metres of the door, it opened automatically. As if they'd landed inside an ants' nest. You suppressed a scream when you were almost swept off your feet by an army of.... what were they even? They were dressed in white armour, including a mask, and it reminded you of the armies back on planet Earth. So disciplined, walking in the exact same pace. You only couldn't see any guns on them, although they had something attached to their arms what looked like a gun, but nothing like you ever saw.
In the time you'd taken to admire the army marching past, Kylo had taken a left and swiftly made his way up some stairs. You ran after him, remembering his warning of not wandering off. There was literally nothing on this ship that didn't draw your attention, so the whole way you'd been constantly running after Kylo when you had stopped to look at something amazing, like the organised squadrons all the way below in the ship, there must have been thousands of soldiers, and the little robots rolling past on the floor, beeping away.
Finally Kylo came to a full stop in front of a fancy looking door. "Now, watch your thoughts. And I mean, control them. One wrong thought and you're dead, and there's nothing I can do for you in here." His voice was deep and dark.
That gave you some chills and you looked at the door, wondering what was behind it.
"Stop. What did I just say?" Kylo said, annoyed. "Stop thinking about anything beside the power that you have and how you could fight the Resistance."
You couldn't stop frowning at his warning, but you tried to control your thoughts more. Whatever was waiting behind that door, you were already scared down to your toes.
The heavy door slid open as it were made of paper and the room, or rather space, behind it looked endless. The only indication that there were walls, were red lights reflecting on them. In the middle stood an ancient throne; one that would fit perfectly in a King Arthur film. No one was sitting on it, so you allowed yourself to wonder whom it belonged to. You also started to look around and noticed that you two weren't the only ones in the room. Moreover, you were surrounded by figures in red armour. They reminded you of lobsters, except they had swords in their hands. The swords were gleaming red too. They stood still like statues, and you thought, maybe they are statues. But then suddenly they straightened up and clacked their heels together. As you moved your gaze back to the throne, your head started to hurt. Aaaaargh, I've never had such a bad headache. Why does this happen now?! You rubbed your head and squinted. Through your lashes you suddenly saw someone sitting on the throne. Wow, that guy is ugly.
"What trash did you pick up on your little adventure, Kylo... Ren..." Its voice dripped with disdain as he glanced towards you. You were still dying of the headache, feeling as if your brain wanted to escape its enclosure, your skull, and was now hammering into the bone.
Kylo took your arm and dragged you forward. "This girl..." he spit, "is strong with the Force." He let go of your arm, without looking at you. He went down on his knee. "I brought her along, for you." His eyes fixated on the ground before him, as if he too was scared of the creature's response.
"She's... Ah.. I feel it now." The creature said, making a swift waving motion with his hand. You fell to the ground and tried to scream out of pain, but not a sound came from your mouth. It felt like every single nerve had been set on fire and every single inch of your skin felt like it was being electrocuted. You felt your body lift up in the air, but the pain didn't stop. "She could be a nice addition, couldn't she?"
Kylo glanced upwards at your pained face. His face had an expression of something you hadn't seen before.... regret?
"Yes, I thought I could train her mind, make her a useful pawn in the battle." Kylo's face changed into the emotionless expression it'd been for the last few days. "Since Skywalker is too training a young woman."
"YOU?!" The creature's voice spoke louder, "You're barely trained yourself. Your little tantrums. Don't think I haven't heard about them."
-"They. Are. Not. Tantrums." It looked like steam was about to come out of Kylo's ears. It made you think they actually could've been tantrums. From the start Kylo hadn't been so good at containing his temper.
Kylo and the creature looked at you. The creature started laughing. "Not used to mind-probing, is she?" Kylo had a look of anger and disappointment. Regret filled your head.
"Don't feel sorry for him. He's a tough one, killed his own father and countless of others. I'm sure he's told you that, hasn't he?" The creature had an ugly grin on his face. Your stomach felt like turning inside out. He had killed his own father?
-"I hadn't found quite the moment to tell her, no." Kylo said, while standing up and tapping his robes down. "Now, I will leave you two. I must... refreshen." With that, Kylo turned on his heels and within two seconds he was gone. Anger and anxiety filled you up.
"So... let me introduce myself, as our dear Kylo doesn't have manners and forgot to do so." The voice still chilled you to the bone. "I'm the Supreme Leader Snoke. You'll now follow my orders. And Kylo's, when he's training you."
"Yes, Supreme Leader Snoke." You felt your mouth move, but had no influence on it yourself. Snoke started to laugh.
-"You will need to train hard, to resist even the simplest controlling." He snickered and with that, you dropped to the ground. When you looked up, Snoke was gone and you were left alone in the darkness.

ICE COLD ≧ Kylo Ren
FanfictionLike an angel, he falls out of the sky. But his behaviour is everything but angelic. Catherine finds herself pleasantly shocked at this stranger's arrival, although she feels like she could strangle him sometimes. He wants to return to his battleshi...