Montauk, hurricane, and Grover

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Oh my gods! I am so sorry! I wanted to update this morning, but I accodently deleted the while chapter! I had to make one really fast. This one is shorter than I wanted it to be, but it will have to do. I am so sorry! And since I was trying ti write this really fast on my kindle, there may be a few mistakes. most of them are 'ti's when it needs to be 'ti's nothing major. I hope. Let me know if you find any!
Now, to the story!

I ran ti my room and packed. When I went back downstairs, I saw Steve on the couch watching Tv, but I didn't see Tony.

As soon as I got to the bottom step, Tony came at me with a nerf gun and began to shoot me.

I covered my face as I walked over to Steve.

"Stop it, Tony! Don't! Stop it!"

"Don't stop it?" Tony questioned. "Okay, whatever you say kiddo." And started shooting me again.

"Steve! Help me!" I yelled. "Tony is trying to kill me!"

Steve chuckled and walked over to us. "Alright, that's enough."

Tiny put down his nerf gun. "Take care of the kid, Rogers. I need my pranking buddy."

"I would take care of him better than you would, Stark." Steve replied.

And with that, we left to Montauk.

When we got there, we unlocked the cabin, and immediately went to the beach since I already had my swimsuit on.

After that, we roasted marshmallows. - told Steve all about what happened at school, but I left out the strange parts.

That's when I deceided to ask the question on my mind. And no, nit the babies one, I asked Tony that when I was six and he freaked out.

"Steve, can you tell me about my dad?"

Steve sighed as he pulled a marshmallow out tron the fire. "There really isn't much I could tell you. Your uncle Thor can tell you about more than I could. But what I can tell is that he tried to kill us all and rule earth because he wanted power and thought we needed a king. We were, and still are, fine without one. We stopped him, but he was the hid of mischief, so he wasn't very good at taking over the world."

"What about Fury? You said that he wasn't the best with me."

Steve sighed again. "Fury didn't like you because of your father. But, we all love you. You should know that. Ignore Fury. He might use you some day. But we are your family. Even Natasha and Clint, who are never really here. We are all family. Even Tony knows this."

I grinned. Tony doesn't know how to take care of a kid, considering he has no idea what to do. But they were still family.

After that we went inside and made some hot chocolate. Aafter a while, we fell asleep.

I woke up ti a clap if thunder. I had been having a strange dream if a horse and an eagle fighting on a beach. When I tried to stop them, I couldn't move.

Another clap if thunder and Steve woke up. "Hurricane." He muttered.

Strange, Long Island doesn't have hurricanes this early in the summer. But I guess the sea forgot about that.

There was the sound of trotting and then there was a frantic knock on the door. Steve got up to open it, and I followed to see who it was.

Surprisingly, it was Grover. But he wasn't wearing any shoes.

Where his feet were supposed to be, he had cloven hooves.

"Searching all night," he gasped. "What were you thinking?"

Steve had a confused look on his face.

"Percy?" Steve turned to me. "Is there something you forgot to tell me?"

I couldn't hide it any longer. I told him about Mrs. Dodds and the three old ladies at the fruit stand.

We turned to Grover. He looked freaked out. "Come on! It's right behind me! Get in the car!"

we did as we were told. I put on my rain coat along with Steve and we ran to the car.

We drove a while, Grover giving Steve directions. It was so quiet and my ADHD brain couldn't take it.

"Where are we going? What was Ruhr behind you? Why are you part donkey?"

Grover made a sound that sounded like a bleat. "Part goat, man, goat. The others, you'll just have to wait."

So it was silent fir a while, but then a cow flew out from nowhere and landed in front if the car. Steve swerved to avoid it, but there was a flash of light, a clap of thunder, and we rolled down.

Boy, were we in trouble.

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