(In the bunker)
Dean: Cas, have you seen-
(A large moose is standing in the middle of the room, cas is beside the moose.)
Dean: What the hell.
Cas: Hello dean.
Dean: Uh cas, why is there a friggin' moose in the bunker?
Cas: (nervous laughter) So...you're going to think this is really funny...
Dean: What, cas?
Cas: ....well....Rowena...she...well she did something to Sam...
Dean: (big bro mode activated) What!? Where is he!? Is he alright?!
Cas: Uh...............................
Dean: Cas! Where is Sam!?
Moose: hwwaaaaa
Dean: What the hell?
Cas: It's Sam...Dean. The moose is Sam.
Dean: Are you joking? 'Cause let me tell you cas, you're not funny. At all.
Cas: I told you it was funnier in enochian! But-but that's not even the point. The point is, Sam is a moose.
Crowley: (appears behind dean) Aw that's no secret, everyone knows he's a moose.
Dean: (startles) Gah! I hate when you guys do that.
Crowley: (leans in and kisses dean's cheek) So nice to see you too squirrel darling.
Cas: (jelly) Hey! That's my man!
Crowley: Oh really?
Cas: (slides his angel blade out of his trench sleeve) Yes really.
(The two of them begin to glare one another down and walk slowly towards each other.)
Dean: (gets between them) Whoa whoa, hey. Guys, now is not the time.
Sam: hwaa
Dean: I think he agrees too.
Cas: (grumbles) Fine, but we're not done.
Crowley: Oh for sure.
Dean: Anyway, what the hell are we supposed to do? How're we gonna turn sam back to normal?
Cas: Hmm....I guess we'll just have to do some...... (dramatic pause) research
Sam: (hwaaa's sadly)
Dean: (pats Sam's moose head) I know bro, I know you hate to miss out on research, just bear with-
Sam: (poops in the floor)
Dean: Ah gross!
Sam: (goes and stands in the corner of shame.) hwaa...
To be continued....
A/N: I don't know....I had a weird idea for a fic and decided to write a little something for this book too....Also, this is the first thing I've posted in this having to do with supernatural! (My favorite show on the planet.) So yay! 🎉

Fandom Fiction
RandomIn this book you will find various things having to do with various fandoms. There's really no telling what will be involved though, there could be quotes, fanfiction, or even crack, so hold onto your butts. *\(^o^)/*