MALEVOLENT 4: Other Ways to Fight

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Delilah peered out of the tiny barred door of her wagon as it made its slow, jolting way up the flanks of the Monmouth Mountains. Her skin prickled. They were back where it had all ended, back in the place where so many had died and Dante had decided to rip apart the natural rules of the world by opening the portal.

She could feel its power. It pulsed like an angry open wound, rolling in waves down the mountainsides. The feel of it brought a metallic tang to her mouth.

She tried to scan for Dante, but she couldn't see much past the bars. A procession of elite soldiers tramped with them, weapons held ready, and she guessed the Council members were bringing up the rear.

What was Dante planning? Did he even have a plan? The clearest option, to Delilah, was to build up the power of the Opals, pretending they were going to focus it on shutting the portal, then kill all their guards instead. The Council members, too, if they could. They'd be free – free to find Kaya, Hawk and Nell, then meet up with whatever remained of the Valians, then... Here her ideas ran out.

If only I could talk to him. There were other, more selfish things she wanted to ask Dante, too.

But of course, she didn't get chance. The air thinned as they rose higher, and soon the carriages were forced to stop. A guard hauled Delilah out of her cage, and they dragged her up the final steep, rocky slope towards the summit.

Her head spun and she gasped for breath, weak compared to the others. How did they expect her to control the Opals in this state? Fools.

When she spotted Dante, also getting herded onto the mountain plateau, the sheen of sweat on his forehead made her feel relieved. So he was feeling the effects of imprisonment, too. Then that relief melted into fear: seeing Dante show signs of weakness was worrying.

Guards streamed onto the plateau until a crowd surrounded them, giving the portal a wide berth. It even looked like a wound: a pulsating gash of greenish light, the air around it rippling like the tatters of a ripped cloak.

As Delilah stared at it, Dante's shoulder brushed hers.

She didn't dare look at him as a tense, uneasy silence fell and the head guard's boots crunched stones as he walked towards them, carrying a large wooden box.

"Just like old times," Dante said quietly, his words meant for her and no one else.

A manic desire to laugh rose inside her. Maybe I really am going insane.

It seemed like the Council leaders were staying below the summit, where it was safe, but close enough to see or sense what was happening.

The guard cracked the box open. The Opals were nestled inside like small, precious eggs, all four attached by a chain running between them. They had been slotted into oval holders hanging from the links. Strange jewellery.

"My war crown was much more refined," Dante murmured, plucking the chain up with one long-fingered hand. Delilah huffed something that could have been a chuckle – again, what was wrong with her? – and the guard, now trembling, backed away quickly. They were alone in front of the portal, surrounded by guards with spears levelled towards them.

"Dante –"

"You take Fire and Water, I'll take Earth and Sky." Dante gripped his chosen two Opals, and they flared at his touch.

"Dante –" What are we going to do?

"Hurry. If we delay, they'll probably kill us."

Delilah touched the Opals and they took a step towards the portal. That familiar, glorious power started to fill her body like boiling water, and she noticed Dante had his eyes fixed on the portal.

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