"Taehyung, I am not your friend anymore. You left me alone with Yoongi and Jungkook. I could've died! I couldn't have been more embarrassed. It was awful!!" Jimin complained. Taehyung only smirked while patting his best friend's head.
"But the good thing is that I got a kiss. I don't know what to do now though. Does this mean that we're dating? I mean, after Jungkook hugged us I made a run for it"
Jimin's eyes widened and he playfully hit Taehyung. "Calling me a pabo isn't going to help. I need your advice"
Taehyung tapped his chin as he thought of a way to help the shorter boy. After minutes of extreme brainstorming he finally said:
"Go on a date with both of them–on different days of course–and whoever you enjoy spending time with more, date them"
"But I don't even know if Jungkook likes me. I sort of feel like he doesn't.."
Taehyung sighed and mentally face palmed. "You always leave the important stuff out.." he started. He cleared his throat before speaking again. "...how about I ask him if he likes you. If not, you know what to do."
There was a long moment of silence. Jimin could see himself in tears because Jungkook didn't like him. Even if things would be easier he'd still be hurt knowing that he would've gotten rejected by him.
Liking two people at the same time was absolutely complicated.
Hoseok was currently walking home from school alone. Taehyung was hanging out with Jimin to discuss their "plans" and Hoseok had no other friends so he had no one else to walk with. He regretted telling his driver not to pick him up. Not only did he have to walk all the way home but his phone was dead.
To try and get his mind off of things he began humming to himself. As time went on he got more and more into it. His humming turned into singing.
Sadly his party was ruined.
His bullies saw him alone and thought of it as an opportunity to get him back for letting Taehyung beat them up. Even if Hoseok didn't do anything to them they felt as if it was his fault. They also missed using him as a punching bag.
The tallest one ran over to him and pushed him over with much force, knocking him over. Hoseok broke his fall using his arm but it still hurt. He looked up, fear apparent in his eyes. "I'll give you anything you want. Just don't hurt me please" he whimpered.
The shorter one with ombré hair laughed and grabbed Hoseok by his shirt. "You're so weak. Did you really think we would let you get away with what you did to us?!" He yelled. He punched Hoseok in the stomach making him hunch over.
"You're such a little bitch! Fight back!" The tall one yelled. All three of them proceeded to inflict pain into Hoseok. Without any form of mercy they punched him, kicked him, repeatedly threw him down, and insulted him in every way possible.
When they were done they just left him there, his face bloody and his whole body sore and covered in bruises. Hoseok couldn't do anything but smile. He kept a smile on his face even through all the pain he was in.
"Taehyung, please don't hate me like them"
"Bye Jiminie!" Taehyung said to Jimin who was waving from his window. After bidding their goodbyes Taehyung made his way home. He couldn't wait to see his precious Hobi hyung and squeeze him to death. And possibly give him a thousand kisses if the elder would let him. Just the thought of his voice made the younger excited.
He actually skipped all the way home, the thought of his boyfriend clouding his thoughts. Once he finally made it to his house opened the door and ran upstairs. "Hobi~ I'm home!" He exclaimed. He looked around but didn't see his boyfriend anywhere.
"Hyung, you can't hide from me" he giggled.
"I'm not hiding. I'm in the bathroom" Hoseok said just below a whisper. Taehyung raised an eyebrow and went into the bathroom only to be met with a terrifying sight.
Hoseok's cheek was swollen, his lip had a deep cut on it and his body was covered in bruises.
"What happened to you?!" He questioned, kneeling down next to him and examining his wounds. Hoseok looked down and avoided eye contact with him. "Nothing."
Taehyung took Hoseok's hand into his own and caressed it. "I don't like when you hide things from me." Hoseok still wouldn't look at him. "I-I don't want to talk about-"
"It was those bullies, wasn't it?"
"No. I was just being clumsy.. and fell"
"This is not from just falling! What the hell happened to you, Hoseok?!"
Hoseok pulled his hand away from Taehyung and stood up. "Why are you yelling at me? Can't you see that I've had enough people hurting me today?" The elder asked calmly. Taehyung grabbed onto him again and pulled him onto his lap.
"Baby, I'm sorry. I just hate seeing you like this. You're always getting hurt. Especially because of me" he pouted. Hoseok wrapped his arms around the younger's neck and rested his head on his chest.
"It's okay. It's painful but I assure you that I can endure it"
Taehyung put his hand up to Hoseok's hair and stroked it slowly. "You shouldn't have to endure any form of pain. This wouldn't have happened if I didn't leave you alone. I keep saying that I'm going to protect you but keep showing you otherwise."
Hoseok frowned knowing that Taehyung was blaming himself for what happened. He didn't want Taehyung to feel guilty for anything. It wasn't his fault.
"It's not your fault, Tae. It's theirs for attacking me in the first place. Besides, even if it were your fault I wouldn't be mad at you" Hoseok whispered before connecting his lips to the younger's. Taehyung's hands easily found their way to the slightly shorter boy's hair.
He knew how much Hoseok liked when he did that so he'd sometimes tease him and only do it for a short period of time. This was one of those times.
He removed his hands from his hair then down to his shoulders. This made Hoseok groan. He pulled away and pinched Taehyung's arm. "You always do that you meanie. And it's always right when I'm getting into it."
Taehyung tried his best not to burst into a fit of laughter but it was just too hilarious to see his boyfriend get so worked up over that. Hoseok only gave him a small smile while being laughed at.
Once he was done getting all his giggles out, Taehyung kissed Hoseok's bruised cheek. "I'm gonna clean you up okay? And don't look so sad. It's bothering me" he said. Hoseok looked away, a blush finding its way onto his face.
"I already cleaned myself up. There's no blood is there?"
"I don't see any. But did you treat your wounds?"
"Exactly my point. I love you more than you love you"
"I'm sure that we all know that by now" Hoseok stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. This made Taehyung frown. "Baby, that's not a healthy way of living. You should care about yourself too y'know."
Hoseok still couldn't understand why Taehyung loved him so much. He wasn't seeing the things that the younger was seeing. He wasn't beautiful or smart or likable. At least he didn't think he was. But when Taehyung said sweet things to him he seemed so genuine and passionate about it.
He could almost believe it.
Hoseok suddenly stood up and pulled Taehyung to his room before closing the door behind them and pushing the younger onto the bed. Then he casually climbed on top of him and squeezed him.
"It's not that I don't want to love myself; I'm just too busy loving you"
"Did I mention how much I hated you for making me love you so much?"
Hoseok chuckled and kissed him again but with a little more force. "Well I don't hate you at all. Not even a little. I only have love for you Taetae" he said. Taehyung laughed and ruffled his hair. "Sorry to ruin the mood and all but when I see those bullies I'm going to literally rip their heads off"
"It isn't up for discussion. After all they've done to you they deserve to die in a deep dark hole and get eaten by some kind of deadly unknown species"
Hoseok only sighed, knowing that nothing he said would change the younger's mind. He didn't like those guys either but he didn't wish anything bad upon anyone. And he didn't want Taehyung getting into any form of trouble because he decided to go on a rampage.
Taehyung wrapped his arms around Hoseok's small frame and held him tight. "I love you so freaking much and I only want the best for you. You do know that, right?"
Hoseok nodded but he still had a look of uncertainty. "If you love me you won't do anything stupid."
"Sorry but I can't promise that"
"So I guess I'm not loved.."
An unamused expression found it's way onto Taehyung's face. "Reverse psychology doesn't work on me. And hyung, nothing you say will keep me from kicking their asses."
"Very well then. Do what you have to do but when you get in trouble I'm not helping you. Just remember that Hobi told you so"
"I'm okay with that"
Sorry for not updating in so long. I've been really busy with school and I've been really sick so yeah. But I'm getting better now so I should be updating more. Even though this chapter is quite random I hope you'll enjoy it 💕