AU: Peter is arrested for giving up the Potters' location, Sirius agrees to take custody of Harry, and Voldemort is dead. (Also this is really late whoops)
This May or May Not Make You Sob (it's really sad)Enjoy~
"It's really a beautiful grave," Sirius's voice was strained. His silver eyes glistened with unshed tears.
"Yeah. Yeah, it is." You sniffed and took his hand.
It was rare to see Sirius Black cry. You yourself had only seen him shed a tear twice, not counting his wracking sobs over James and Lily. It broke your heart to see him so torn up. You leaned your head against his shoulder, and he rested his own on your hair.
You had been best friends since your seventh year at Hogwarts, and had developed a huge crush on him.
"I'm scared," Sirius blurted.
His grip tightened on your hand.
"Raising Harry... raising Harry alone... what if I mess up? It'll be my fault."
"You won't mess up. I'm here for you. Besides, little Harry loves you. He's such a sweet baby, you'll both be fine."
He exhaled heavily. You stood in silence, hand in hand, gazing at the grave of your best friends. It was a sad day.Ten Months Later...
"Sirius? You okay?"
"Would you like to go out later?"
"Like... like a date?"
"It's completely fine if you don't want to go. Really, I understand. I've got Harry, and–"
"I'd love to. Pick me up at seven?"
"Yeah. Um, yeah... seven sounds good."One Year Later...
"Harry! Harry guess who's coming today?" The small baby looked up at his adoptive father.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)'s coming!"
The boy just gurgled.
"You know what I'm gonna give her? Shhh... you have to promise not to tell another soul."
Sirius reached into his pocket and took out a small black box.
"You're gonna have a mommy."
Harry smiled and clapped his pudgy hands.
"Yeah. Well, not yet. We're not ready. But... soon. Soon, I'm gonna do it."One Month Later...
"Oh, Sirius. It's beautiful." You gazed out at the scenic view from the bridge you stood on.
"(Y/N)..." he cleared his throat.
You turned to see him getting down on one knee. You clamped your hands over your mouth to keep from squealing.
"(Y/N)... I love you more than anything, and I... I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"
You nodded, tears sliding down your cheeks.
"Of course I will, Sirius," you choked out, taking one hand from your mouth and allowing him to slip the ring onto your finger.
He laughed, relieved you said yet. You admired the ring until he stood up and pressed a kiss to your lips, twirling you around. You giggled, kissing him in the light of the moon. You never thought you could feel such euphoria.Nine Years Later...
"Now Listen Harry. You be a good boy. Don't get into trouble. Listen to your teachers."
"Come on now, darling! It's healthy to pull a prank or two!"
"Sirius. We've managed to raise him well this far."
"No, you've managed raise him well this far. All I ever do is allow him to have fun."
You rolled your eyes heavily.
"I'm not going to fight you on this."
You turned to your son.
"You just be a good boy and write to mummy, daddy, and your little sis, alright?"
"Sure!" Harry smiled brightly.
"You'll do great, son." Sirius ruffled his hair fondly.
"Thanks Dad."
The train whistle blowed.
"Gotta go! I'm gonna meet up with Neville."
"Alright, Harry. I love you so, so much!" You wrapped the small boy in a hug that he gladly returned.
"So long, kiddo. Don't forget to write." Sirius knelt down and hugged Harry.
Harry, instead of letting go, held on and whispered in his father's ear.
"Dad? What if I get in Slytherin?"
"You know, my brother–your uncle–was a Slytherin. He did great things. And if you're a Slytherin, you will too. I'll love you no matter what. Remember that." Harry smiled.
He let go of Sirius and scampered off to the train.
"Bye!" He waved.
Sirius put his arm around your shoulder and you waved back.
"I'm gonna miss him so much," you felt tears forming in your eyes.
"Oh, come on now. You've still got me!" Sirius pressed a kiss to your temple.
"Yeah, I know. It's just... he's growing up so fast."
Sirius turned to you, a frown on his face, and wiped away the single tear trailing down your cheek. He then pulled you to his chest, stroking your hair and murmuring about how Harry would be fine. You clung to your husband, endlessly grateful for him.
"James and Lily would be so proud of him," You whispered into his chest.
"They would. And I'm sure they're watching right now."
"I miss them."
"I know. So do I."
The train whistle sounded yet again. You separated to see it start its journey to Hogwarts.
"He'll be fine," you let out a breath you'd been holding.
Sirius smiled down at you.
"I love you."
You took his hand, entwining your fingers.
"I love you, too."Hey all!!
So I've been really busy lately... and I have some bad news. And good news. Stay tuned.Bad news is, I'm thinking of going on Hiatus.
Before you panic, let me state my reasons.
Track Season just started, and between that and volleyball, most of my time is spent doing homework.
I've been having some pretty bad writers block.
The writing I have been doing is pleasure writing (I'm writing a novel!!). It's not being posted on Wattpad, and I'm taking it really seriously. I have a whole outline of plot and characters and the ending and yeah. It's wild.
I don't want to stop writing without telling you guys why.Don't worry! This isn't the end of my Wattpad, or Sirius x Reader Oneshots. In fact, that leads me to my big announcement.
For those of you that speak Italian...
I feel like this is a big step, and let me take the time to thank all of you for 200k reads! Y'all impress me everyday; thank you so much!!
If you want to read the story, it can be found at Sara-Benedetti 's profile!
If anyone has the same Cover skills/editor as my good friend @-vivalapluto, I need your help!
We need a cover for the translated book! If you can help, comment or DM me and I'll send you the details.Don't forget to vote, drop a comment, and share with your geeky friends~
Thanks and have a great day :)

sirius black x reader oneshots
FanfictionC O M P L E T E D just a bunch of [x reader] oneshots including before after you and Sirius are dating *the first few are told from multiple perspectives* reviews/comments: "These are honestly the best x Reader Oneshots I've ever read." ~@-vivalaplu...