chapter ten - bon voyage

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The next two days are merely a blur. It reminds me of those lazy weekends during the school year, when I didn't shower or get out of my sweats and ratty t-shirts throughout those glorious two days, where all I did was read and draw and play video games with Winston. I eat meals, help pack food and ammunition for the trip, wander around the building, spend countless, unhealthy hours in the library, either reading or staring at the inscription, tracing it with my finger. The nightmares get worse. In one they are again chasing me around the gas station, bullet holes spurting blood at me. In another I see myself, scared, pathetic teen hiding under the counter, and it is only when I shoot that I realize I have switched places with him. I tell no one out of embarrassment and regret, not even Matthew, who I am probably closest to here. I only shower the night before the trip, and when I go back up to my room, Dawn is sound asleep. I crawl into my bed.

It seems that I have only shut my eyes when I am shaken awake by a broad figure, his red hair glinting in the faint moonlight. "It's time to leave." Dawn is awake, sitting bare-legged in a gigantic sweatshirt that I assume belongs to Edward. She hugs her knees, staring at her lover.

I get out of bed immediately and stretch, planting my palms on the floor, directly in front of my feet, without bending my knees. It sounds easy, yes, and it is for me, but I have never met another person who could do it as easily, or even at all. It was hard having short legs, but at least I could beat all of my friends in flexibility.

"Hazel? Your laundry was washed," says Edward, pointing to a small white laundry basket with the meager clothes I wore the day I got here inside. He steps outside and closes the door so I can change. Not really caring if Dawn sees my old, ratty sports bra that is more comfortable than anything I have ever worn, I turn around and dress in my old clothes. They smell like laundry detergent, but also like home. I'm happy for the super soft, thin burnout tee, the thick black leggings, wool socks. I put on the two-sizes-too-big My Chemical Romance hoodie last and walk to my bag, re-packing books, gum, my red folder, and pretty much everything I had when I got here. Who knows how long this trip will take, and what will happen along the way. I still only hesitantly trust these people, and if I get abandoned on the way, at least I can still maybe make it. I manage to fit all four changes of clothes into my bag, only by shoving them down to the bottom. I leave the pack on my bed, planning to retrieve it after breakfast, but shove the Band-Aid tin into my sweatshirt pocket.

Dawn is standing up when I turn back around. "Be careful," she says, looking like she might cry. She closes her eyes and sits back down on the bed, burying her nose in the sweatshirt and inhaling deeply.

"Dawn?" I ask tentatively.

"I don't want them to go," she whispers sadly, bursting into silent tears. "Edward just got back, and if something bad happens I might lose my roommate and my boyfriend....I can't do this!'

"Dawn, nothing bad is going to happen. Your boyfriend is one of the toughest people I have yet to meet. He'll beat up anything that gets in his way without trying. We'll come home safe and sound, I promise." I awkwardly pat her on the shoulder.

She sniffs, nodding. "A-Are you sure?"

"Absolutely." I pat her hand, then stand up. "We'll be back before you even start to miss us."

I start to the door, but before I know it Dawn has enveloped me in a hug. I'm surprised, and don't do anything for a solid five seconds but just stand there. I haven't had a hug in forever. In fact, the last hug I had was when I first found Kara and Jared, nearly six months ago. And the thing that surprises me, is that it's actually quite comforting. I gently hug her slim waist, as it's the only thing I can reach from that position, and then step back, smiling. "Bye, Dawn."

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