We walked side by side at the side of the road. After a few hours of wasting time in cafe, we decided to take a walk for a while before we go home.I plugged in my earphones and decided to choose a song. I scrolled down my playlist, finding a song that suits the moments.
Suddenly, my left earphone was pulled from my ear.
' Don't you dare listen to songs without me!' Anne pouted at me like a little kid.
' Okay. Okay. But don't complain if you only hear kpop songs. It's not my faults.'
' It's okay to change my taste sometimes.'
I played my favourite song for this moments to cheer me up or maybe to impress Anne a little bit. Just a little.
Take me to the sky oh woah oh
Anne opened her mouth and raise her eyebrows at me. She's pretending to be shocked. What a drama queen.
Put your hands up in the sky
' HELL Yeah. I AM!' Anne yelled loudly because she was too excited. She's always like this. Causing people to turned their heads toward us.
Even if she's alone, she's still doing it. Catching everyone's attention. The thing was she embarrassed herself and people were annoyed just by looking at her. Sadly, me being her only best friend that won't ever leave her side even if she decided to kill somebody had to take the blame on what she did too.
My friend here. She's always at the center of attention. She's the rebel one. She has never cared about what other people talk or think about her and that's why she always do what she wants to do. Because she doesn't let anyone rules her. She doesn't let anyone controls her. But to be honest, sometimes she did something that beyond limitations and I really hate her when she did that.
While me, I am completely opposite. I am not at the center of attention. I am the stickler of the rules. I cared about first impressions. I cared about what other people think or talk. I thought I cared because I want to keep a good reputation. But a little part of me said that maybe just maybe, I let them control my world.
Yo J let's do it
' Who's J?'
My mind was interrupted by Anne's voice.
' Huh?'
' J?'
' The song? Yo J let's do it' She tried to imitate RM's voice in that song which cause her a lot of efforts cause we all know how deep his voice is.
I laughed a little and rolled my eyes.
' You mean J-hope?'
' I don't know.'
Take me to the sky
' oh the beats are about to drop?'
I looked at her with disgusting looks.
If my wings could fly
Anne pretended to be shocked. Again. Then, she did a chicken dance.
' Damn, this is not my cup of tea but it sounds delicious.'
I gave her incredulous looks. When will she ever stop making stupid jokes.
점점 무거워지는 공기를 뚫고 날아
She stopped dancing and didn't move.
' Oh shit. The beats are about to drop.'

Reality | Kim Taehyung
FanfictionI need to stop looking at him. I need to stop hoping on him. I need to stop my fantasy. I need to stop acting like i knew him. I need to start forgetting everything about him. Or else, I would've been known as a crazy fan.