Chapter 12 School Play Tryouts

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Subject: Peyton Coleman

Time: 4:15pm

Location: West DC Middle School


"Ahem." Called Mr. Marzuno. "Peyton, you may begin."

I was standing on the stage of our large auditorium. All the lights were on me, and I couldn't see anyone in front of me, except Mr. Marzuno. He was a bald guy with a beard who taught seventh grade physics. I had him last year. and nearly failed his class. Sciece wasn't my strong suit. 

However, acting was.

I looked down at the script. I really didn't need to, since they were my own lines, but these lines were wrong.

I was trying out for my own part in the play. This was the scene of when us Colemans abruptly left the mansion at the Christmas party, two years ago. The person who wrote the script wrote it very wrong though. Once Lia got into that slap-fight with Justin, I grabbed her waist and tried pulling her away. I only said "Lia! Stop!" 

The script writer had it where was the one causing all the trouble. was the one that was slapping Justin, as Lia was trying to pull me away.

That clearly was very, very wrong. 

"Peyton, go." urged Mr. Marzuno.

"Oh, right." I said, snapping back to reality. "Justin, you're such an asshole!"

That was SO wrong. Lia would NEVER curse at ANYONE. Neither would I.

Mr. Marzuno called out the next line, which was Justin's "But my dear! I haven't done anything wrong! You are as pretty as a flower! Please get Peyton off of me!"

Nope, nope, nope, still wrong. 

"You're never going to marry my sister!" I cried, throwing an air-punch. I really wish I could punch someone though. 

"Stop!" yelled Mr. Marzuno. I stopped my air-punching and turned to look at him. 

"Yes?" I asked. 

"You're not doing this scene right." he said. "You're not playing her right."

"If you haven't noticed, sir, I am her."

"Yes, I know, but you're not acting the role the way it's supposed to be acted out."

I spread my arms and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Sorry Peyton." He said. "I just don't think you're good enough for the role."

"Well, maybe this role would be better if the script writer consulted me first?" Shoot, my sass was slipping out, but I couldn't control my mouth anymore. "This is clearly not what happened, Mr. Marzuno. I was there when it all happened! Ask any of my sisters! I'm trying out for my own freaking role, and you have got the nerve to tell me that my "impersonation" of myself  was WRONG?! Are you even kidding me right now?!"

Mr. Marzuno dropped his jaw. 

We stood there in silence for a couple of seconds. My arms were folded and I tapped my foot against the stage. 

"Peyton, leave, now." He said, steaming with anger.

"Gladly!" I cried, tossing my script behind me. "I can't wait to see who does a better impersonation of me on opening night, and besides! I wasn't the one that was slapping Justin, it was Lia!"


"Lia would not do such a thing." Mr. Marzuno yelled. 

"Oh, really?" I cried. "Just because you see her on the newscast from time to time, doesn't mean that's how she actually is in person! She's my sister! I've known her personally, longer than any of my sisters have! She stuck out her middle finger when we got into the taxi! How were there not pictures of this?!"

"Peyton, get off that stage now." He cried, full-on yelling.

I hopped off the stage, when suddenly, I heard some applause in front of me. I stopped. The house lights came back on, and there was a small group of students that had watched my rant. They were applauding. 

"What the...?"

Mr. Marzuno started clapping too. "Great job, Peyton!" He cried. "Now that's the type of sass I want to see in Peyton's role! You have the part!"

I suddenly became very angry. No one manipuates me. No one. 

"No!" I yelled. The whole audience shushed, and Mr. Marzuno gave me a perplexed look. 

"Why not? It took a little something to get your sass out, but once you were out, you were a monster, and that was great!!" 

I was fuming. I felt my face get hot. "THIS IS BULL!" I screamed, leaving the auditorium, and slamming the doors behind me.

"Hey, hey!" Called a deep voice behind me. I turned around and saw a tall, lean looking guy with dark hair. 

"Who...who are you?" I asked. 

"Jordan? Lia's friend?"

Ahh, Lia's friend.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said, walking to him. "Hello there, do you need anything?"

"I'm taking you and your sister home."

"What, why?"

"Because she asked me to." he said. 

"Nuh-uh, we told her that we were taking the taxi home." 

"Would you like a taxi, or..." Jordan stepped back and far behind him, on the street was a convertible. 

"Whoaaaaa." I said.

Jordan smiled. 

"Where'd you get that from?"

"Eh, I've always had it." he said, scratching the back of his head.

"Waaaaiiiiit a minute." I said, putting my hands on my hips. "Why are you randomly taking us home in a convertible?"

Jordan sighed. "I uh, kinda like your sister."

"Mhmmmm." I said. "I can tell."

"Oh, ok then." he said. "I wanted to surprise her by taking her out tonight, do you think she'll let me?"

I looked at Jordan's sweet, but concerned, face. I almost wanted to say yes, because I didn't want to break his poor innocent little heart. It's rare to find a guy like this nowadays. But in reality, Lia wouldn't be interested. She was still loyal to Thomas, who would never be seen again. 

I sighed. I couldn't just tell him no. "I'm not sure." I said. "But I'm sure she would be very flattered by the gesture."

Jordan smiled. "You think?"

"You have a good shot." I said. 

"Alright then. Wheres your other sister?"

"Right here!" She cried. Kara stepped out of the auditorium doors and gleamed. "I got my part!" She cried. 

I fake-smiled. "Great job." I said. "Did you see my audition?"

Kara laughed. "Yes! You're a genius! No script writer will ever be able to capture your personality!"

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"Good, for the most part."

"Alright, ladies, let's get going." Said Jordan.

"What's happening?" asked Kara as we walked over to his convertible.

I got close to her and whispered, "Jordan's gonna ask Lia out on a date!"

Kara gasped. "Wow!" she cried. 

"I know right? They would make a cute couple."

"Yeah really, Lia really needs to get a boyfriend, she has been under so much pressure nowadays."

"We have to set them up." I said to her as I slid into the backseat.

"No one wants to ride shotgun?" asked Jordan as he turned on the ignition. "My driving is pretty safe."

"We're good." I said. Then I turned to look at Kara and we giggled.

"We definitely have to set them up." she said.

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