Chapter 2

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Noah Urrea as Noah Gilbert, pic above if you forgot what he looks like^

Noah's POV

It's been a couple of months since the witches tried to sacrifice my Little Niece other than that everything been pretty normal. I went back to school, I only have a few months of it left before I graduate. Davina and I have been hanging out lately but we're just friends. I'm walking with her to a vinyl shop, for some reason she wants to buy Icelandic folk music, she says it's for a friend... I wonder who her friend is that likes Icelandic folk music? "Hey, Noah." Davina said, "Yeah." I say "Um... who are you sired to?" She asks, that's a weird question "Uh... I'm sired to Theo." I answer "And who is Theo sired to?" She asks.

I think for a moment, remembering what Theo told me "He isn't sired to anyone, he's his own sire." I answer "He's not sired to Klaus and your sired to Theo, which means you guys aren't sired to any of the Originals." Davina states, I nod. I stop walking and turn to her "Why do you want to know this?" I ask "Curiosity." She answers, I narrow my eyes then smile slightly "Okay." I say deciding to believe her, I don't know what she's hiding but it can't worse than the secrets I keep.

We enter the vinyl shop, I look around while Davina talks to the shop owner, I sense another witch in here other than Davina. I see a young man, he's browsing through a crate of records. Davina finished talking to the shop owner and is ready to leave, we're about to leave when Davina nearly runs into the male witch, they smile each other.

We start to leave again but someone else enters the shop before we could leave, it's a wolf, I think his name is Oliver. He glares at me then look at Davina and smiles "Hey there, cutie." He said to Davina, I roll my eyes "Don't call me that." Davina said unimpressed. Oliver ignores her comment and snatches her record from her hands to examines it "So, I heard you ditched your coven. That's too bad. That Harvest Girl, Cassie? She has been super helpful to all us wolves." Oliver said "She's making you moonlight rings, Oliver. I wouldn't call that helpful, I'd call that an alliance." Davina said "Well, you can call it whatever you want. As long we don't have to turn on the full moon anymore." He said, he leans closer to her "Look, I'd take off if I were you. Things are about to get a little ugly in here." Oliver whispers to Davina.

Oliver tells the patrons of the shop to leave, the shop owner is confused by this "Hey what are you doing?" He asks "It's Joe Dalton, right? You see, I've been studying up on this store. It's been a staple for the Quarter for ninety years... it was run by you, your daddy, and then his daddy before him?" Oliver asks. Joe looks anxious "That's right." He said "Yeah, you see, the thing is, Joe, there just ain't many photos of anyone in your family..." Oliver said, he pulls out an old photo "... But you." Oliver said as he shows Joe the photo. It was Joe on the photo, holy crap! Joe's a vampire how did I miss that? I must be losing my touch "Oliver, no!" Davina shouts.

Joe tries to escape but is blocked by two werewolves they try to bite Joe "Stop! Stop it! Stop it!" Davina shouts then she does a pain affliction spell on the wolves which helps Joe escape. Oliver glares at us, I raise my hand up "Somnum." I chant and the wolves collapse on the floor. Davina looks at me stunned "What? There just sleep. Come on, let's go before they wake up." I say, we leave the shop. I say my goodbyes to Davina and go home as I walk I have a feeling that I'm being watched. I shrug it off because I'm close to my house, I go inside and lock the door, and peek out the window, nothing. I guess, I'm being paranoid.

Later, I get a phone call from Theo, he wants me to stay inside because their plan to take back the city from the wolves is happening tonight. I tell him that I will, besides I had nothing better to do. The night drags on as I continue to work on my homework for school, I hear a knock at the front door. I get up and look through the peephole and no one is there, I've seen enough horror movies to know if I open the door, I'll probably get axed or kidnapped. I mean, I'm a vampire and I'm almost unkillable but I'm not going to take that chance.

I turn around to go back to my homework when the front door swings open violently, I turn back around startled. I see a figure standing in the doorway, he slowly steps in "Hello, Little Vampire." The Figure said as he continues his slow walk towards me and I back away slowly, shocked at the nickname I haven't heard in months. I work up some courage and vamp-out, I go to charge at him but he gives me a powerful aneurysm that brings me to my knees "Not yet, Little Vampire. We'll have some fun soon." He said then everything goes black.

I wake up in a bed with neck pain, so that's what it's like to have your neck broken. I groan and get up from the bed, I look around; who's place is this? The bedroom door opens and reveals the Witch from last night then it all came back... he kidnapped me. I take a defensive stance "Oh come on, don't be that way. I just want to talk." He said smirking as he leans against the door frame. Talk, he wants to talk? I vamp-speed towards him ready to attack him but I'm stopped by an invisible wall, a barrier spell. He chuckles "Sorry, I know vampires have heightened emotions and I had a feeling you would do something reckless. I guess I expected better." He said smirking.

Okay, he's starting to piss me off "I never got your name." I say as I think of way to escape "Oh, how could I forget. Kinkade Lenoir but my friends call me Kade." He said, I scoff "Well, Kinkade... I'm gonna get out of here and when I do, I'm going to kick your teeth down your throat." I threaten, Kinkade frowns then I start to siphon the barrier. Kinkade backs away slowly smirking and disappears into the living room of the house, I finish siphoning away the barrier then Kinkade reappears with a knife and a frightened woman.

He has her by the back of her neck "What are you doing?" I ask nervously, Kinkade looks around obliviously as he twirls the knife around in his hand "Oh, nothing. I just wanted to see a vampire in his element." He said then he slits the woman's throat and throws her at me "No!" I shout as I catch her. The woman's blood gets on my face, I feel my face start to vamp-out, oh god, I haven't had any blood since last night "Well, come on. I know you haven't fed since last night." Kinkade teases. I shake my head no, I go to bite my wrist to heal her with my blood but I hear a sigh then I'm hit with an aneurysm "I'm sorry, but you're going to feed." Kinkade said.

He grabs me by the back of my neck and pushes my face into her bleeding neck, I don't know what came over me but next thing I know, my fangs are out and puncturing her neck, I drain all the blood from her body. It was... euphoric then reality sets in, I just killed someone, I look at the blood on my hands. Kinkade chuckles "Did you like it?" He asks amused, I don't answer because I did and I hate that I liked it; I become numb.

We hear footsteps, someone appears, it's Theo, I look up at him "Theo..." I mumble numbly, Theo glances at me then looks back at Kinkade in cold fury "Who are you?" Theo ask deadly calm, Kinkade chuckles "Sorry, I'm Kinkade Lenoir but my friends call me Kade, nice to meet you." He said smiling like some kind of psycho. Theo becomes furious and vamp-speeds towards Kinkade pushing him against the wall with Theo's hand around Kinkade's throat "Oh, Feisty." Kinkade chokes out "What did you do to my Uncle?!" Theo shouts.

Kinkade laughs, this makes Theo even more furious, he starts to punch Kinkade in the face a few times "Oh, oh... okay... I'll tell you, but I'm sure you can figure it out. I mean, look around you." Kinkade said amused by all this. Theo goes to hit him again but give Theo a powerful aneurysm then magically throws Theo out of the room. I push down what I'm feeling right now and vamp-speed towards Kinkade and punch him in the stomach then I uppercut him, knocking him out.

Theo gets back up and rushes towards Kinkade ready to finish him off but I stop him "Theo! Stop! Enough... no more killing... please." I plead, looking Theo in the eyes. He calms down a bit when he sees my expression "Okay..." He said then we leave the house, as we leave I glance back at Kinkade's unconscious form and I shallow a lump in my throat.

We get home and there's a tense silence before either of us speak "Are you... alright, Uncle?" Theo asks "No..." I answer numbly "I... killed someone. I don't think I'll ever be... alright." I say. Theo sighs "You need to wash the blood off of you and leave the clothes your wearing, I'll get rid of them." Theo said, I nod and go upstairs to the bathroom. I start the shower and take off my clothes, I get in the shower and let the water run down my body. I look down at the bathtub floor, the water has shades of red mixed in with it. I place my hand over my mouth as tears start to spill from my eyes, I sob quietly. I killed someone. 

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