One Month Later....
Pence was now free to go where he pleases, he wasn't grounded anymore, and he was glad...So was Hayner and Olette.It now had been one month after Pence's groundation. During that time, Sophia and Zayne discoerved some more Heartless. They named them all, and the names eventually went throughout town, so now everyone calls them by their names: The Dire Plant, Large Body, and the Requiem...Sophia thought they were funny looking, because they seemed like they were wearing dresses.
They had defeated a lot of them during the past month. Sophia realized that the Heartless were becoming more frequent than before...And they were showing up in town more, and not just the mansion. Now now, Sophia wasn't only 'Shadow' during the night...But sometimes in the day as well. She didn't want Twilight Town to be like her hometown as well....
And also, Zayne wouldn't let Sophia help with the ship anymore. He didn't ask her to gather any parts, he didn't drag her to the mansion to help him work...He was doing the opposite. He kicked her away from the mansion, and when she offered to help gather parts, he told her that he didn't need any help. Sophia was very confused at his sudden actions. But now since Sophia wasn't helping him, Zayne was up at the mansion much more often. So now Pence and Sophia had to eat dinner by themselves.
But now, it was midnight. Pence was sound asleep, but Sophia was still awake...Waiting for Zayne to get home. He left at 9:00 this morning, only coming home to get lunch and dinner. Sophia was getting a bit worried about him...So, she wrote a note to Pence, in case he woke up, saying that she would be back in a bit. Then she put on her cloak and headed out to the mansion.
But of course, along the way she had to defeat some Heartless. They appeared even more when it was night.
When she finally got through the woods, she managed to find her way out of them, and she was now at the mansion...Finally. Those Heartless could be a pain in the butt sometimes.
Sophia could hear Zayne grunting as he worked on the ship. WHen she looked over to the right, where the ship was, she saw that it was....Complete! He even painted it to look cool and everything! (You should know what it looks like...The Gummi Ship in KH1)
Sophia heard Zayne sigh with relief and come out from underneath the ship. He wiped sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, since his hand was all covered in oil. "I..Did it! It's done! And in only four months! Sophia is going to be so happy that she can see her brother again!"Sophia smiled. It was very kind of him to do this for her. She took a step forward, and something cracked. When Sophia looked down, she saw that she stepped on a twig. She cursed herself for being so careless.
"Who's there?!" She then heard Zayne demand. When she looked over at him, he had taken out his two edged sword and was ready to attack the intruder. But Sophia wasn't intimidated by him at all. She just calmly walked over to him, and she put her hood down as she did so. Zayne sighed with relief and dropped the sword at his feet. "Sophia, don't do that again."
Sophia sourly crossed her arms and glared at him. "Don't do what again?! Am I the one sneaking off in the middle of the night to work, on this?!" She used both hands to gesture the ship.
Zayne looked behind him. "Oh yea, that." He turned back around. "You see, it's called a Gummi Ship. We can now travel to other worlds!"
Sophia let her arms go limp at her side. "But...What if this doesn't work? And what are we going to do with Pence?"
"I already asked Hayner's mom to watch him for at least two months."
Zayne laughed and waved his arms in the air. "Calm down! She said it was fine, since I am only a teen and everything. She said it was hard for a young boy my age to be taking care of Pence, so while me and you are on, 'Vacation", Hayner's mom is going to watch Pence for us."
Sophia lifted an eyebrow. "You said you were going on Vacation...?"
Sophia blankly stared at him for a few minutes. Zayne cocked his head to the side as she did so. But then, all of the sudden, Sophia ran over to him and tackled him into a hug. "Oh thank you so much!!" She squealed. "Let's go now! I need to find Sora!!"
Zayne shoved Sophia off of him. "We can go now too! Lemme just take Pence to Hayner's mom's house, then we'll get going." He leaned over and nudged her. "Pence's things are already packed. And Hayner's mom said that we can drop him off anytime...Even in the middle of the night! So, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"
Hayner's mom was apparently still awake when they went to drop Pence off. She didn't complain, nor did she look annoyed. She took Pence in and told him he could surprise Hayner by sleeping on the couch tonight. Zayne couldn't thank her enough...So when she said to stop, he gave her 1,000 munny and ran off with Sophia.
They quickly gathered some clothing, food, and water for the trip....And then they headed back to the mansion, where the Gummi Ship was waiting.
Zayne held out a remote control and showed it to Sophia. It was a small, black rectangular remote with at least twenty red buttons on it...All of them were labled. Zayne smirked and pointed it at the ship, then pressed a button. Sophia gasped with surprise when the side of the ship opened up and a metal walk board came out of it. Zayne nodded. "Go ahead."
Sophia, (Not wearing her cloak...But the outfit from the first chapter XD) ran up the metal board and entered the ship. She stared in awe at it, seeing how amazing it looked. Zayne followed her up and stood next to her and closed the door. "And look," He pointed up at the window up ahead in shape of a dome. "So when we get into space, you can see the stars!"
Sophia grinned widely. "This is so cool! Let's go!" She dropped all the stuff in her arms and sat down in a seat.
Zayne laughed and sat down in the drivers seat. There were four seats to begin with. "Okay, I made it so when we get to a world, we can just teleport there instead of landing. And when we wanna get back in it, I have the remote so we can teleport back into it!"
"That's cool. Now let's just get going!" Sophia said, not even caring.
Zayne rolled his eyes and pressed a button. Sophia felt the ship vibrate underneath her feet as it began to hover in the sky. As soon as it was over the mansion, Zayne pressed another button and the ship suddenly blasted off into the sky, and out of the world.
When the ship had finally calmed down, Sophia was already up and looking out the top of the ship. Zayne smiled at how excited she was. "I've never seen you like this before." He commented.
Sophia looked at him and shrugged. "Well, first, We're in space! Second, the ship actually works! And third...I finally get to look for Sora! Well, if he ever made it...The Heartless could of gotten to him by now..." She suddenly frowned, then banged her head against the wall. "Wait, what if that really happened?! Then all this...Has been wasted."