Part 38 - You look good on it

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Avalana Skylar Valerie

I'm finally home, i feel so happy as Apollo's car walk inside of the big black gate of my house. I look around to see the garden that i missed and especially I'm so excited to see the house i missed it so much.

The ride from the private airport took an hour, Apollo fell asleep as we left the airport. His head still laying on my shoulder since we left the airport.

The car slowly stopped right in front of the lobby where Apollo suddenly awake, he blinked a few times before really awake from his sleep. He looks around and realize that we've arrived at my house,

"Thank you for the vacation, I'm so happy" i said smiling.

"Anytime babe" he said with a low morning voice.

"Okay see you, i'll text you for the Farewell party plan" he said before give me a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay see ya" i said open up the door then walk straight to the lobby.

I see Matilda is standing at the lobby waiting for me to walk in, i ran into her then hug her. I missed her so much, i missed the smell of the house the vibes everything about it.

"How's the vacation?" She asked me.

"It was so fun" i said as we begin to walk inside.

"By the way everyone's here" Matilda said.

"Everyone's who?" I asked looking surprised.

"Your parent, Gabriel, Laura.."

"Jacob?" I asked and she smiles while nodding.

"Oh my god yes gotta go see them bye!" I said before walk into our living room, the place where we used to hang out.

I walk in and found my mom and Laura are sitting on the carpet while playing with Baby Jacob who's laying on the baby's bed. I step in and makes everyone around caught their attention, My mom gets up then walk into me give me a big hug.

"How's the vacation honey?" She asked as she puts her arm around my shoulder guiding me to seat in the couch.

"Fun" i said then sitting at the sofa.

"Hey sis missed you" Gabriel giving me a hug.

I take off my shoes before decided to sit next to Laura then begin to play with Baby Jacob,

"It is nice to see you with no pressure especially after the exam" she smiles as she's holding a monkey doll for baby Jacob.

"Yeah feeling much better" I said as i started to play with Jacob's hand.

"How did you feel?" My dad suddenly asked which surprised me, he never care about me being on a vacation before. Maybe he's worried about my mental condition after what happened to me.

"I feel and felt, great" i said nodding.

"Did you take a pill on a plane?" My mom asked me.

"No" i said simply.

"Woah really?" Gabriel asked as he's laying on the couch looking straight at me.

"Yeah, at first i feel kinda scared but then i feel normal" i explain and my mom looks relieved.

I keep playing with Jacob until mom told me to take a rest she's worried about my health, did Apollo tell her that i was sick? Cause she looks kinda worried since i got back, it feels weird when my mom and dad staying for a long time in this house cause they used to fly around the universe for their work but it is also a good thing to have them here.

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We had a dinner together and it went pretty good, Gabriel and dad can not stop talking about the business plan and work. While Laura and mom are talking about Jacob, they still talking about Jacob until now.

We are in the living room while dad and Gabriel watching a movies on the tv, Jacob is asleep in Laura's arm which looks so cute. I love how Jacob interacts with us, he looks so healthy and cute.

Laura and Mom are now talking about Jacob's doctor, in what age he has to take a test and things that i really don't understand. Until mom suddenly asked me an important thing that includes my future,

"So darling have you decided what College do you want?" She asked and i started to feel nervous that they won't accept what i really want to be.

"Does it have to connect with our family business?" I asked her slowly making the room stay in a silent.

"Karl?" My mom called my dad and make him looking at us.

"No, you decide what you want to be" He said and a smile reveal on my face, i can see Gabriel is now smiling while looking at me like he's trying to say like 'congratulations'.

"What do you want to be in the future Avalana?" My mom asked me.

"Can i be a doctor?" I asked them and the room fell into silent, I'm so scared that they aren't going to support me.

"Of course" my dad said and i smile.

"Woah cool, I didn't expect that" Gabriel said while looking at me.

"Wonderful my darling" my mom said and looking so happy.

"Some of my friends are a doctor maybe I can ask them for a good university" Laura said and i smile.

My family never been so supportive before and i feel so happy how supportive they are this time, even my dad is okay with my decision.


I lay on the bed, after spending so many times with my family today. I feel tired for the vacation and thanking god that i have this life, especially for making Apollo walks into my life he's the best thing that ever happened to me.

Apollo Hamilton :
Does the guys have to wear a suit to the Farewell party?

I laugh over his text cause it sounds like he doesn't want to wear it even i always see him wearing one of them in a formal event, and he always looks good on them.

Avalana Valerie :
Of course haha, the concept is like a prom, but they changed the name to a farewell party..

Avalana Valerie :
Why tho.. you look good on it.

I know I don't have to ask him if he had brought the suite or not cause i know he must have so many pairs of them, since his parents are always taking him all around the world to attend so many formal events.

Apollo Hamilton :
You sure? Okay i'll wear it everyday if you say so

Avalana Valerie :
It doesn't work like that 😂

Avalana Valerie :
By the way, did you tell my mom that i was sick when we were on a vacation?

Apollo Hamilton :
No..., I don't even have your mom's phone number...

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