We all pile into a car. Louis driving, Niall in the passenger seat, Liam behind Louis, Me in the middle, Darcy next to me, Zayn behind her, Harry behind me, and Hannah behind Liam. Louis starts to drive. I get a text. I look at it… it’s from Liam.
“Hey ;)” it says
“Heey why are you texting me your sitting right next to me” I reply
“Because… I wanted to tell you I heard what you said earlier…” my heart sinks
“What do you mean?”
“I heard you say that you are starting to like me more than Niall ;)” I start to blush really hard.
“So you were snooping -_-”
“No I was outside your door and you decided to talk about it… Not my fault” he replies I look at him and he is smiling
“HALLIE IS BLUSHING!” Liam yells really loud. I start to blush again
“Awe someone is embarrassed” Harry says from the very back
“Shut up” I say reaching back and hitting Harry. I look over and Darcy is smiling at her phone. I text her.
“So why are you smiling?”
“ZAYN IS TEXTING ME :DDD” she replies
“Ohh C: so what’s going on with you guys?”
“HE TOLD ME HE LIKES ME!!!!!” well she seems happy. I just look at her and smile.
“Lets do something FUN!” Niall shouts
“Like what?” I ask
“Um… EMBARRASS HALLIE!” Liam Yells. I look at him confused
“How are you gonna do that?” I ask
“Well while Hallie and Darcy were talking she said-”
“Say it you DIE” I warn cutting him off.
“Um ok… but anyways she said” I glare at him, he smiles “that she likes…” he pauses “Eating” I sigh with relief. He bursts out laughing
“Why were you going to kill him if he told us that” Niall says confused
“He wasn’t going to say that trust me” I say then glare at Liam. He just giggles.
“ARE WE THERE YET” Zayn wines.
“No” Louis says
“When are we gonna get there” Hannah wines too
“In about a half hour” Louis says pretending to sound annoyed.
“Well drive fasterrr” I say playing around. I see Liam is staring at me out of the corner of my eye. “Take a picture it will last longer” I say
“Okay look at me” he says. I look over at him. He takes a picture.
“I wasn’t serious DELETE IT”
“But you look cute!” he says smiling. I glare at him. I start to ignore him. “Hallie!” I just look straight. I look over at Niall
“How are you Niall?” I ask him leaning forward
“Hallie please talk to me” Liam begs Niall just smiles
“Fine don’t answer me Niall” I say sitting back and pretending to pout
“I’m sorry” he says turning around
“You better be”
“Hallie I deleted it please talk to me” Liam begs again. I hold my hand out and he puts his phone in my hand. I go to his pictures to make sure he deleted it. He did.
“Ok I love you again” I say hugging him
“You LOVE him?” Niall asks sounding a bit jealous
“I love him like a friend just like I love you like a friend” I say smiling
“Yay! You don’t hate me!” Liam says bouncing up and down. I smile and grab my phone out of my pocket. I text Hannah
“So when are you going to tell me what happened with you and Hazza?”
“Um how bout when we get back to your place?” she replies quickly
“Sure thang girly (:” I reply and put my phone in my pocket. I look back and Hannah has her head on Harry’s shoulder. They are so cute!
“So what are you thinking about Hallie” Darcy says
“I don’t know… just about how lucky I am to have friends like all of you guys” I smile
“AWE I LOVE YOU!” Harry says
“I love you too harry” I say turning around and looking at him
“GUYS GUESS WHAT!” Louis yells
“WHAT!” everyone yells
“No need to yell at me but WE ARE HERE!” He says smiling
“Finally!” Niall says. We all get out and walk up to the entrance

I Have To Choose One
Fanfictionshe went from having to leave her life behind to living with one direction. what will happen while she is there? will she fall for one of them? maybe two or even three? will her life change?