His Past - Her Present

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They took away his pen and paper.

They took away his speech.

So it's really not his fault

That his skin became

His diary.

Song for the chapter

Down / Jason Walker


I step into my empty, dark house and kick my shoes off. Walking into the kitchen I swing open the refrigerator and look at what food I have.

Grabbing out a pot of left over noodles I made the other night, I sigh. I had moved out of my parents house a year and a half ago, wanting to be alone and not caring about how they felt of my decision. I haven't bothered to contact them since, nor have they.

I guess I deserve it.

I'm the one that left, right?

But the truth is my friend, you come to like the pain. Because you think you deserve it.

I know I don't deserve my families attention anymore, I lost that priviledge long ago. But even just a little bit of love, and maybe I wouldn't be how I am today. A self centered, controlling, jackass with a serious... issue, lets say.

When I was growing up, my father would constantly come home drunk. No matter how hard mum tried, she could not get him to break the habit and eventually, the habit broke him. My father begin to beat my mom, and when I would try to stop him he whipped my with his belt or whatever was within grabbing distance. I can still feel the burn of leather against skin; the high pitched sound as it flew throught the air before hitting its desired target...

Shaking my head to rid myself of the memory, I grab a bowl and throw the noodles in the microwave, getting another glass of water I sit on the counter and think some more.

A pair of grey eyes and a head of red unruly hair cloud my thoughts as I sip my drink. I remember seeing the bruise on her cheek, and can't help but wonder what it is from.

Is she abused? Or is she bullied... Or did she just smack her face on something?

The thoughts were nagging me, and I wanted to get them out of my head before one thing led to another.

I grab my food out of the microwave and make my way to the living room. Grabbing the remote, I flick on the television and look for something to watch. Settling on Mythbusters, I eat my noodles until I fall asleep; all thoughts of the girl that ran into me pushed to the back of my mind.

•* School the next day *•

"Damn Niall how much food do you need?" Caleb says as te Irish boy sits down at our table with a tray piled with food. We all chuckle as Niall throws a chip at him and mumbles a simple,

"Shut the fuck up, Caleb."

I laugh once again at the stupidity of my friends, then go back to my own food.

"So Louis how was that new shipment? Did you like it?" Ed asks out of the blue.

"Dude it was just some molly. Not like we haven't done it before, right guys?" Louis asks and we all nod.

Ed shrugs and shoves the last of his sandwich in his mouth, getting up.

"Alright then. I gotta go do some make up work or some shit for Ms. Heaton. See you guys later." He says and walks away.

Lunch was usually more active and, well just more than this. I don't know where Luke or Zayn was so it was just Ashton, Niall Lou and I. And Ed but he left.

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"So do you guys know where Luke is?" Ashton voices my thoughts.

"No but I saw him sneaking a girl into the janitors closet earlier. Good lad he is." Louis nods approvingly and we all smile.

"Yeah. Like you could do any better." I say to Lou and he glares at me, claiming that he's done the same thing.

"Oh yeah then who was it?" Niall asks, his mouth full of food.

"You see that girl over there? Brown hair? Beige coat and those skinny jeans that show off her ass so well?" he points to a girl sitting at the popular bitches table. We all nod and he continues.

"Eleanor Calder. Damn can she use that mouth..." He trails off and Ashton chuckles.

"Oh yeah? think you're so great with your little popular chicks? Well guess what Lou, I fucked Marissa Stevens in the bathroom last week during 3rd period." He smirks and Lou crosses his arms, going into another story of who he screwed and where, before Niall interrupts them, smiling widely.

"Cassidy Hearn, 6th period, two days ago." He says proudly.

"No way?! Dude, she's like one of the smartest people in the school! Holy shit how did you do that?" Ashton pesters him. But I wasn't paying attention any more because something had caught my attention from across the cafeteria.

A girl, sitting all alone with a book and a small tray of food.

From here I could see the red hair, which she had pulled up into a pony tail.

From here, I could see the faded, well worn skinny jeans covering her small legs.

From here, I could see the dirtied and aged pair of vans on her feet.

From here, I could see that she was the one that I ran into yesterday.

I could also see a group of populars approaching her with snarky looks on their faces and hatred in their hearts.

I watch as Rylee, head bitch of the little clique, walks up and leans over the table, tapping the spot in front of the girls book. She looks up, and I can see the look of dread take over her face.

Rylee must have said something because the girl looks down at the table, almost ashamed. The other girls snicker, and so do some of the people in the area. Rylee says something else and at this, the girl wipes her eyes then stands up hurriedly, grabbing her book and small tray of food before leaving the café with tears in her eyes while others laughed at her.

"Harry. Are you listening?" Louis asks, snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"What?" I snap.

"I said we were having a party next weekend. Remember I asked you about it yesterday? Before you left?" I think back to yesterday, and immediately remember.

"I already told you I was coming dumbass." I say then look down at my food again, shoveling it into my mouth.

"Okay. Just making sure." He finishes talking and I am relieved.

Something about watching the bitches pick on the girl made me angry. I don't even know what it was.

It was stupid. Yeah.

I brush off the thoughts and finish up my meal before Ashton and Louis then stand up, leaving without another word.


As I was walking back from my locker, I hear a slight whimper.

Turning around, I see a small body crumpled against the hallways wall, hugging their knees tightly and obviously crying. Deciding nothing of it, I continue on my way back to 5th period, wishing life was the way it was five or so fucking years ago.



As I cried in my bedroom that night, I couldn't help but think back to lunch time.

As I was leaving the cafeteria, I saw through my tears the mysterious green eyed boy staring at me.

The one that I had ran into yesterday

on my way to the store.

The one that I had been thinking about for the past 2 years now.

I flip over in my bed and stare at the wall.

That night I didn't fall asleep crying, but wishing that in this lone, cold, place I called my world that somebody would care about me.


End of chapter 2!

Love you guys<3

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