u meet zach's family

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a/n i don't know anything about his family so just guessing if he has siblings can we pretend he doesn't...

emily pov 

i just got off the phone with emerald and we were talking about how zach invited me too his home too meet his family if he were anyone else i would be nervous but its just him that youtuber my boyfriend my love. 

i drove too zachs listening too some of his songs in the car, when i got there i got out of my car and knocked on the door i waited a few seconds a beautiful women opened the door which i'm guessing is his mom "You must be emily! i was so excited too meet you." she spoke with such happiness i instantly felt and home "sit down and get comfortable, tea coffee?" she asked    

"water if you don't mind." i said smiling happily "anything for my little zachys girl" she said almost bouncing out of the room, meanwhile his father and him walked down the stairs when zach saw me sitting there he ran over and gave me a quick kiss "hey em" (im cringing so much)

his mom came back in and sat across from us with his father and slid my water across the coffee table, "sooooooo this is awkward" zach says 


me and zach were on our six year anniversary trip too paris and we were at a fancy restaurant and out of nowhere he gets on one knee "omg" i whispered clasping my hand too my mouth "i love you so much  and i want too spend the rest of my life with you, will you marry me?"zach said looking very serious "Yes!" i scream probably a little too loud everyone around us started clapping and i heard someone cat call when i kissed him

(next chapter is last chapter sorry im very lazy i apologize for this being so short)

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