Percy Jackson was relived. He and his friends on the Argo II were finally defeated Geae and were on their way home. But with Jason and Nico dead, he didn't know if he should feel relived or not. Hazel had been weeping the entire ride, with Frank trying to comfort her. It almost seemed cruel to be happy the war was over with casualties like that.
Both Nico and Jason's death had affected the crew; Leo lost a best friend, Hazel lost a brother, Piper lost her boyfriend, Percy lost two friends, Frank lost his role model, Thalia had lost her brother who she just found, and Reyna had lost someone she liked.
Worst of all, Percy felt as if it was HIS fault Nico died. Jason, however, practically committed suicide.
Now they were at least sailing back to a salvaged camp, with only casualty being Octavian's left arm (Percy resisted the urge to say he was disappointed about this). Reyna and Nico had gotten the Athena Parthenous back to camp before the Romans did any real damage, and the two camps became peaceful. Then Nico had shadow traveled back to report the news...
Percy didn't want to think about what happened after that.
"Look, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth said, nudging him. They could now see the glittery waters of Long Island Sound. Leo told then that it would only be less than twenty minutes, and they would be home.
"Uh guys," Leo called from the helm.
"Yeah?" Percy asked.
"I can only set down in the Sound if we don't want to damage this baby. Which means we swim."
"We can manage that."
"Easy for you to say," Annabeth grumbled.
The rest of twenty minutes had gone smoothly, much to Percy's suprise. He thought for sure something had to go terribly wrong, like the zombie apocalypse suddenly happening. But alas, they set down in the Sound, and swam ashore with the help of Percy.
The Seven were immediately greeted with cheering and hugs (even Drew and Clarrisse were being nice). After saying hello to friends, they decided it was time to break the news about their two loses.
Just as Percy was about to clear his voice to get the attention of the crowd, the person Percy least expected to see in the crowd stepped toward.
With open arms he said, "Welcome back, Percy."
Harry Potter was not used to flying. Well yes, on a broom as Seeker, but otherwise no. That is why he was shaking, as the plane ascended into the air.
Ron, Hermione, and Ginny had convinced him to come with them on a trip to America, to celebrate winning the battle.
They had chosen New York City.
"We can see the Statue of Liberty," Hermione had said.
"And see a play on Broadway!" Ginny agreed.
Harry had rolled his eyes at Ron and agreed. So there they were, sitting in a plain for a seven hour flight to the Big Apple, dressed in Muggle clothing.
He knew the real reason they were all doing this. To get his mind off of the deaths that happened while trying to stop ol' Moldywarts. Fred, Colin Creevy, Tonks, Lupin, Dumbledore, Hedwig, Dobby, even Snape.
Here he was, with so many dead, on a plain to go have fun.
It almost felt pathetic.
"Harry, mate," Ron shook his arm, snapping him out of his thoughts. "Pass me the peanuts."
Sure enough, the stewardess was handing out mini packs of peanuts for the guests. After passing Ron the peanuts, Harry grumbled something under his breath and looked out the window.
For a moment, Harry could have sworn he saw a bronze dragon head peaking out from the fluffy clouds. Then in a blink, it was gone. Was he going insane?
"Pst, Harry." Harry snapped his head around to face Hermione. She held a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. "Want one?" Harry took an odd white colored one out and thanked her. His face twisted into a look of disgust as he swallowed.
"What did you get?" Ron asked, chewing happily on a candy floss bean.
"Rotten egg," Harry choked. Ginny, Ron, and Hermione cracked up loudly, much to the confusion of the rest of the plane.
Harry tried to close his eyes and take a nap for the rest of the flight, but every time his eye lids shut he saw visions of the bronze dragon head floating around. What is it?
He hoped after Voldemort, things would quite down, but he was obviously wrong.
Things were just starting.
So, yeah, sorry if the chappie was too short for you. I'll try to make them longer. Here's the real question:
Who do you think the mysterious demigod is?

Wands and Swords
FanfictionHarry Potter and co. are out of school and free to do whatever the heck they want. But when a trip to NYC takes a wrong turn, what will happen when the Boy Who Lived meets the Saviors of Olympus? 100% a OLD WORKS WARNING