Taylor POV:
We dropped the kids off at Patrick's new apartment early that morning. It made me feel a lot better that Patricia would be with the triplets helping out Patrick even though he usually had things under control.
The drive to wherever we were going didn't take long, I was blindfolded so I didn't know where we were. Joe helped me get safely out of the car and we slowly began walking as I clutched his arm for support. The wind was blowing, but it wasn't cold and I could tell we were outside. Finally, we stopped and Joe removed my blindfold revealing a picnic.
I couldn't remember the last time just the two of us had one. We would bring the kids on picnics all the time but it wasn't the same, it wasn't the old us.
"A picnic?!" , I exclaimed. Usually, our day without the kids would consist of a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant or a movie at home.
"Well, I know you like them. I thought this would be fun." , Joe blushed rocking on his feet.
"I love it. Thank you." , I said kissing him.
After that, we sat down beginning to eat. Not only was today an amazing day for a picnic, Joe had brought all our favorite food, and lots of it. In front of us, there was a beautiful view of the beach and I wished I had brought a swimsuit. But Joe had never told me to dress fancy so instead, I was wearing shorts and had switched into a tank top after dropping off the kids.
I could tell Joe was watching me as I watched the waves crashing in the water. My mom had told me that ever since I was little, I had always liked looking at it.
"Do you want to swim?" , Joe asked reading my mind.
I blushed then begin stuttering. I don't know why I was having so much trouble answering the question. "I don't know." , I finally said tracing my finger across the red and white checkered picnic towel.
Before I knew it, I was being swept off my feet my Joe and he was walking towards the water. I gasped looking at him like he was crazy.
"What are you doing!" , I shouted. "I don't have spare clothes. You better put me down right this instance!" , I shouted kicking my legs in the area and hitting him playfully.
"You said you wanted to swim." , Joe explained as he got to the water.
Now, he was waist deep in the water. Did he really not care that he was getting wet. But I was smart, now I was holding onto him for my life because I knew what he was going to do if I told him to put me down.
"Joe." , I said slowly, my arms wrapped tightly around him. "Turn around now."
"Nah, I think I'm good." , he smiled.
The next thing I knew I was being dropped into the water as Joe sprinted for land. On the way, he fell into the water, but got up quickly, continuing to run. He knew he was in trouble. Quickly getting to my feet, a wave hit me and I stumbled, regaining my balance.
"Joseph Matthew Alwyn!!" , I screamed trying to look as mad as possible when really, I wasn't.
My clothes were drenched in water, but he was still running across the beach. I sighed, then began running after him, my bangs matted to my forehead as I ran.
After a while, I finally caught him. I grabbed onto his shirt pulling him onto the sand as he caught his breath. Seeing him there, I lay down next to him, breathing hard I looked over at him and smiled. I could feel his fingers intertwining with mine and I shut my eyes.
"Taylor?" , he said.
"Yeah?" , I replied sitting up and brushing some sand out of my hair.
"Remember...when Ellen gave us those extra baby shirts?"
Oh. My. Gosh. "Yeah..." , I said slowly.
"Do you think we're even going to use them?"
I shrugged. "Do you want to?" , I asked. "I mean...if we did have another baby...the triplets would be almost two when the new baby was more."
Joe blushed, for some reason his eyes looked even more blue than normal. "I kind'a do want another baby."
I thought for a moment. Four kids was a lot of work, but I loved them all beyond belief, and there was a lot of extra room in our house. We had enough money if one needed braces and they could all go to college. I slowly began nodded and looked back up at him with a huge grin on my face. "Let's have another baby!" , I finally said.
I could see tears filling in Joe's eyes as he kissed me, leading me back into the sand, I could feel his kisses beginning to get harder as he moved to my neck.
"Here?" , I asked surprised.
"Here." , he replied continuing to kiss me.
Just then, the phone rang and Joe groaned going to see who it could possibly be.
"Who is it?"
"Patrick. Hello?"
"Hey." , he said as I readjusted my shirt then joined Joe by the phone.
"The triplets are walking!" , he said just as Joe put the phone on speakerphone. "I mean...I'll still watch them until tomorrow if you want...but I just thought you should know."
I covered my hand over my mouth. I wasn't going to cry...
"Okay thanks, Patrick." , Joe said turning to face me. "What should we do.
I really wanted to see the walk, but they would still be walking tomorrow, right. "What do you want to do." , I echoed. "I don't care."
"How about we wait." , he said slowly covering his hand over the phone so Patrick or Patricia couldn't hear. "They'll still be walking tomorrow. When they start, they never stop."
I smiled. "Okay."
"Um...we think we're good until tomorrow, but thanks for telling us, Patrick." , Joe said.
"Alright." , he replied. "Do you want to say goodnight to Patricia?"
I nodded. "Yeah."
A second later, Patricia came on the phone, Daisy blabbering in the background
"Hi, mommy! Hi Daddy!"
"Hi, honey." , we said at the same time.
"Daisy and Jack and David started walking!" , she exclaimed.
"That's so exciting!" , Joe replied. "We're so excited to see you four tomorrow. We wanted to say goodnight!"
"Okay. Goodnight mommy. Goodnight daddy."
"We love you, sweetheart." , I replied. "Bye."
With that, we hung up the phone and were back on the sand.
If you have any ideas on names for Joe and Taylor's last baby please share!!

The One (Jaylor)
FanfictionAfter her break up with Calvin Harris, Taylor Swift has given up on finding love. Can Joe help her get that back?