Hannah's pov:
"Have you got everything?" mum asked. Today's the day we are seeing my mum. I'm so scared now. I don't know what to expect really.
"Yeah I'm coming now!" I said. I hurled my suitcase down the stairs and went to the car. Dad put my suitcase in the boot as I got into the car.
"Wait, Michael!" I said. I ran out the car and to his front garden where he was playing with his little sister Lily.
"I've just come to say goodbye." I said. He got up and hugged me.
"I'll miss you. Be safe and don't decide to live out there." he told me.
"I've made up my mind. I'm staying here!" I said as he smiled.
"HANNAH!" mum called from inside the car.
"I'll see you when I get back." I said. He nodded and I pecked his cheek. I got into the car and strapped in.
"Are you okay baba?" mum asked.
"Yeah, I'm just a little bit scared." I said truthfully.
"Don't be. It'll be okay." she said. I smiled nervously and looked out the window. I've got lots of question's to ask my mum that need answering. 5 minute's later we were at the airport. I got up and grabbed my suitcase.
"We've got a private jet haven't we?" I asked as we went into the airport. It was massive! People were rushing round everywhere and the person on the speaker was saying all different thing's. We had paparazzi and fan's around who were being blocked off by barriers. It was so loud!
"Hold my hand and don't let go." dad said. I grabbed hold of his hand and he led me threw to luggage control.
"Do Re Mi Far So La Te Do," I sang while doing small Irish dancing steps. I heard the crowd cheer as I danced. I carried on until mum and dad were finished unloading the luggage.
"Can we go and meet some fan's please?" I begged with my hand's in a praise way.
"Yeah only a few though. We've got 15 minute's until the flight takes off." dad said. I ran over to a group of girl's who were chanting my name.
"OH MY GOD! I love you so much Hannah. You're my inspiration and you are amazing!" a teenage girl said while holding my hand softly.
"What's you're name?" I asked.
"Sophie." she said.
"Well it was nice meeting you Sophie." I said. She jumped up and down as I moved on to a boy.
"Please Hannah can I have a picture?" he begged.
"Sure mate, what's youre name?" I asked.
"Jackson." he said confidently.
"Can I kiss you're cheek on the picture?" he asked. I nodded as he leaned in to kiss my cheek. He captured it then clapped his hand's in joy.
"It was lovely to meet you Jackson. I'll see you soon!" I said. I walked over to dad who was meeting some fan's. Some girl was about to faint!
"Dad we've got to go. It's 2 minute's until the flight takes off!" I said. He nodded and we went over to mum. We grabbed her wrist and pulled her to our terminal. We got on the plane and sat down.
"Bagsy sitting by myself!" I said.
"Okay, that's...... normal?" mum said sarcastically. I laughed and sat on a one seater. Mum and dad sat together infront of me.
"Flight 202 is now taking off to Jamaica. Keep you're seat belts on till we are in the air. Have a nice flight!" the flight attendent said. We got settled and I pulled out my magazine. Dad and his band mate's were on the front page.
"Dad's on the front page of this magazine!" I sang.
"Can I read it?" dad asked.
"Nope, I'm reading it!" I said while turning over the front page.
1 hour later we were allowed to take off our seat belts and walk around. I got up and paced up and down the plane. I'm so nervous now as you know.
"Hannah are you okay?" mum asked worridly.
"I'm so nervous! I'm shaking!" I said while holding out my hand. It was trembling like mad.
"Don't be. It'll be okay!" mum said while pulling me onto her lap. I felt safe and protected when I'm on her knee.
"What if it's not. What about if she hates me?" I questioned, totally stressed out.
"She wont. She'll probably be happy to see you." mum reassured me.
"I hope so!" I muttered. We touched down then got off the plane. I was instantly blinded by the sun. It's so hot here!
"I'm finally here Jamaica!" I said while holding out my arm's like wings. I skipped into the airport and was immediately greeted with screams and flashes. It's great to see Jamaican fan's!
"I'm finally here Jamaica!" I repeated making the fan's go crazy.
"*cough* we're *cough*." mum said.
"Oh yeah. Hannah and co are here!" I said earning eye rolls from mum and dad. I was going to see some fan's but was quickly pulled away by dad.
"What's you're problem?" I sassed.
"We won't get there in time!" he said. I sighed and walked along behind them. We went into a taxi and strapped in.
"What's her address?" I asked. They told me her address and I happily nodded. We pulled up onto the drive of this massive house. When I say massive it was massive! It's probably worth £1,000,000,000!
"We're here and I'm scared!" I said as I examined the house.
"Shall we go in?" dad asked. I gulped and nodded nervously. I got out and shakily walked up to the front door with mum and dad behind. A woman with blonde hair in a messy bun, blue eye's, lots of make up, skinny, tall answered the door. That's my mum!
"Hey...... mum." I said nervously.
"Hannah........" she started.
A/N. Haha I've left you on a cliffhanger! It's going to be through next week when I next update because it's my sisters birthday today and we're celebrating all weekend. Sorry cupcakes!
Who's saw that video of Jade and she's fangirling over Iggy Azalea? She's so cute! I was like awwww. She's just like 'I'm going to see my favourite Iggy Azalea!". I love Iggy Azalea too! Especially the song fancy and work!
Can everyone stop being ghost reader's and start voting and commenting. It's not fair because I'm not getting any feed back like other people. I sometimes wonder if I should stop this book. If people don't start commenting and voting, I'll stop the book then it'll be the end of Adopted By Zerrie.
Sorry for that but it's true. I'll update soon but I'll leave you on a cliffhanger. Try and guess what's going to happen next. I'll give you're book a notice on here if you guess right.
Love you cupcakes, mwah x -H

adopted by zerrie
FanfictionHannah is a 10 year old girl who live in an orphange and she has a bad past with her dad. everything is about to change when Zayn Malik and Perrie Edwards walk in to adopt her.