Outta Town

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I stare at her, probably creepily but I've never seen a girl like this before. She was so... Attractive.
"Alright man, we gotta go." Dakota says, looking at me.
I slide out of the backseat, and climb into the driver's seat. I start the car, sending blue exhaust smoke out of the pipe. I pull onto the interstate, and head towards the Utah direction.
"What happened back there? When you got captured I mean." I ask Dakota.
"Well after I jumped, I ran and almost got out. A few guys took me out though. Then they sent me to this huge warehouse thing. The guards were careless so I slipped out and came back to find you."
"Same thing happened here, I escaped and came out to find you. I learned you got out and I came back here to find you. How'd you get caught?"
"Well I climbed up the wall, and went in through the top, taking out some guards. Valerie went through a back door, and we were going to search until we found you. She got in trouble, and then when I got there to save her I got taken out. Then they brought me onto the main floor and I saw you."
"Crazy. So do you trust her? Valerie I mean." I ask him.
"Yeah. She helped me get out of that warehouse, and she helped us fight those guards."
I see a glint in his eye as he talks about her. I pull two instant meals from my bag, and hand them to Dakota to make.
"I'm frickin hungry man, it's a good thing we've got food." Dakota says as he prepares the meal.
My blue headlights shine on the road ahead. It's still extremely dark. Dakota pulls out 2 1-liter bags of water from his backpack, handing one to me to drink.
"How long will it be until she wakes up do you think?" He asks.
"Maybe a couple hours, a day max."
He sighs, and then sets the meals on the dash while they finish prepping.
"So where are we headed?" He asks, leaning his seat back.
"Well I think we should stop in a few towns over, and find a good place to recover. I'm shot and that girl is barely hanging on."
"Good idea, I'll look for a nice spot."
He opens a map hologram built into the car, and scans around for a good location. I stick in an Asia album I like, filling the car with sound. I check the rear-view, seeing Valerie laying vertical across the backseat, her head resting on a makeshift pillow we put together. She's so... Alluring.
"Here's one! In about 70 kilos there's a town not too big or small, and I see a pretty decent hotel there." Dakota exclaims happily.
I press the petal down further, going 160 kph. We drive on the side where the least abandoned cars sit, looking spooky with their emptiness.
"Think of all the stories.." I say, trailing off.
"What do you mean?" Dakota asks me.
"The stories of the people who left their cars here."
Dakota looks down at the floor, thinking thoughts I might never know.
After about 30 minutes, I finally see an exit sign. I pull into the correct lane, and pulls off.
"Directions to Hyatt Regency." Dakota says to the GPS.
I start following the directions, and eventually I pull into the parking lot of the large building.
"This is quite... Large." I say, looking at the huge hotel.
"Well we might be here for a while, might as well make the best of it." He responds. I exit the car, and clip my backpack on. I slowly lift Valerie from the backseat, carrying her bridal style. Dakota clips his backpack on, and I lock the car. The holographic door slides back automatically, and I click on a flashlight I had taken earlier. Dakota checks a room chart that sits behind the front desk, and decides on a room on level 8.
"I used to work in a resort kinda like this." He says as he gets keys from the machine. He takes three, probably one for each of us, and then I follow him to the elevator.
"So I guess this place must have a personal generator. Everything is still on." I say.
"I think alot of places got their own generators after that nuclear bomb." He declares. I press the "8" button, and lean back against the wall. A blue suitcase lays against the wall, probably abandoned when it all went down. The doors slide open, and we walk down to the room. Dakota opens it, and I lay Valerie in one of the two rooms. There is a common living area, one kitchen, and two bedrooms. A TV is in the main room, and one in each bedroom. I lay my bag on the couch, and Dakota places his in the room.
"Alright you take the room, I'll take the couch, we'll give Valerie the other." I offer.
He begins to argue, but stops after realizing I won't have it any other way. I quickly change the bandages on my leg, and wrist, before heading into Valerie's room.
"Can you come help me a sec?" I shout for Dakota to hear. He shuts the curtains, not wanting anyone to see the light coming from our room. I remove Valerie's blue top, and place it aside. I slide one of her green sports bra straps down under her arm, then remove the bandages we applied earlier. I take out a fresh roll, and begin applying it to her wounded shoulder. I wrap it tightly to avoid too much blood loss, and then replace the strap I displaced earlier. Dang she's hot. Dakota enters the room, and asks me what's up,
"Can you get my bag?" I ask.
He retrieves it, and then hands it to me. I pull out some pain relievers, take two, and then force feed her a couple. Then I pull the covers over her, and leave the room.
Dakota finished pulling the couch out into a hideaway bed, and I set my bag on it.
"Think the shower works?" I ask.
"Let's take a look!" He says curious.
He turns the knob, and to our surprise, warm water comes out.
We both cheer, and I dibs it first. I haven't taken a shower since... Well I don't even remember!

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