He's a nice guy

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You were sitting in Washington's office, waiting till he finished whatever he was doing so he could tell you your job for day. He'd set down his pen and look up at you. "Alright, Y/N. We're going to have you riding over to the British camp today, how's that sound?" Once you heard British camp, you froze. He'd nod as he observed your behavior. "Yeah, I thought that was how you'd react, so I'll send someone along with you." He'd turn around and grab a few letters and looked through them. "Who's going to be coming with?" You'd ask hoping it was a friend. "Well, the boys are all busy, so I think Lee can go with you. Sound good?" He'd say as he placed a small stack of letters in front of you. Oh god. Well, as long as he doesn't talk to you and he has his own horse, it will be ok. "Y-yes, sir." You'd nod. You'd take the letters and walk out of the tent, only to run face first into Lee. You'd quickly move away from him and look up at him. He'd just stare down at you before saying "We'll leave in 5 minutes, be ready." He'd growl before walking away. You'd scoff, and he'd turn around and glare at you. You'd cross your arms and stick your tongue out at him before walking away to your tent.

You'd walk into your tent and grab your satchel, and Saber, hooking it onto your belt. You'd put the small stack of letters in your satchel before you ran out of your tent and to your horse, where Lee was waiting. You'd sigh as you untied your horse. You'd lead Amerigo away from the tying up station, and over to an open area of grass. You'd jump up, grabbing the saddle, and pulling yourself up, swinging your leg over as you got on. You'd look back at Lee, who was having trouble getting on. You'd stifle a laugh. "Having trouble, Lee?" He'd dart his eyes in your direction and growl. "Shut up." After a few attempts, he got on his horse, and you started walking out of the camp, walking in the direction of the British camp. You'd speed up as soon as you were in the open field. "SLOW DOWN." Lee would yell from behind you. "SPEED UP." You'd yell, not looking back at him.

You'd arrive at the British camp, and Samuel stopped you at the entrance. "What's up, Seabury?" You'd ask. "I'm here to collect the mail." He'd say holding his hand out. You'd shrug and open up your satchel, taking out the small stack. "But why? You've never done this before." He'd take the letters. "George heard what happened from your friends at the camp, mainly because they accused him of it, and after that, he didn't want you going in the camp." You'd nod. "Well, tell him I said thank you for it, and thank you for waiting out here, Samuel." He'd nod in response. "No problem. You stay safe, now." He'd say before walking back into the camp. You'd smile. "He's a nice guy." You'd say to yourself before riding away, forgetting Lee was following you. "STOP RUNNING AWAY LIKE THAT." he'd yell as he chased you all the way back to the camp.

Writing is hard, school is hard, but I have rehearsals. Those relax me, being with my Hamilton loving friends. I'm trying to write as much as possible, so sit tight, mes amies!

Love you guys!

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