I Swear To You That We Can Make This Last (Austin Carlile)

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Clarissa's POV

"Austin...wakey wakey." I hummed as I sat next to my sleeping best friend. It is Austin's 26th birthday, the first birthday that the two of us would be spending together. Although the two of us are merely friends, there is something undeniable between the both of us; any time one of Austin's band mates have said anything about the two of us being together we both stayed quiet. "I don't wanna get up, I want to sleep." Austin mumbled against his pillow. Within a few minutes Austin was sitting up in his bunk with his bed sheets wrapped around him. "Morning sleepy head." I teased. I looked over at his terrible bed hair and let a soft chuckle past my lips. "What're you laughing at?" Austin asked with a childish tone. "Your bed hair." I said simply. Austin made few failed attempts at fixing his hair before giving up and groaning. "I should go and take a shower..." He trailed off. "You should, once you're done I'll give you your birthday presents." Before I could say another word Austin dashed off to the hotel rooms shower. I heard the loud sound of the water splashing against the titled floor and took that as an opportunity to leave the room quickly to go back to the tour bus and get his presents. Since I am the band's guitar tech I have my own bunk and since everyone on the bus respected another's privacy, I figured that my bunk would be the safest place to hide things from Austin. I walked back to the bus and opened the door to see that no one was in here. They were probably all sleeping anyway. The band didn't have a show to play today and it was just after noon so everyone was probably getting some extra sleep for the ride to the next venue. Making sure that I didn't trip over all the mess that was in the bunk area, I carefully walked to my bunk. I pulled back the curtain to my bunk and reached inside to find all of Austin's presents perfectly wrapped as I did them the other day. I walked back into Austin's hotel room, the one that I shared with him last night because that's who I got paired up with, and saw that Austin was now dressed in something different from before with a smile on his face. "Happy birthday Austin." I smiled as I handed Austin his presents. "Thank you Clarissa." Austin kissed my cheek before ripping into his presents, sending wrapping paper all over the floor. Once Austin was finished, it was revealed that I got him underwear [since he wore a new pair every day], alcohol and a watch because he was always asking me what time it was. Austin enveloped me in a hug. "Thank you so much Clarissa," Austin smiled, "There is one thing that I really want though..." He trailed off. "What is it?" I asked, being curious. "Will you be my girlfriend, Clarissa?" Austin asked me. I tried to hide the blush from my cheeks but failed. "Yes, of course." I said softly. Austin smiled widely and kissed me softly. "This has been the best birthday ever." He said. I nodded and relaxed in his arms as he turned The Little Mermaid on.

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