(Inspired by Tears Don't Fall by Bullet For My Valentine.)
Then, a week after you left:
My hands shake as burning tears fell from my bloodshot eyes. Choking sobs came from my throat. I never thought I would end up in this position.
The studded black ring wrapped around my finger flickers in the light as I stare at the red seeping around my body. The burgundy red paint fell from my grasp, staining the white carpet.
"I'm so sorry," I whimper to the baby girl inside me.
"I tried so hard to make things work," I cry out into the silent room.
Present time, 5 years later:
Humming, I travel down the aisle looking for something to satisfy the wild vultures that consume my life and eat me out of house and home. Looking down at my phone and not paying attention to anything in front of me, my shopping cart runs into something. Or rather, someone.
"I'm sor-" Looking up, I stop myself mid word and stare wide-eyed at the person in front of me.
"Oh. Um, hey, (Y/n)," Chris clears his throat, scratching the back of his head.
"Uh. Um..." A slice of fear flies through me. "Nice to see you, too, Chris."
...That's when I noticed the little boy sitting in the cart in front of Chris.
"Daddy, whose dis?" The little one rasps, sucking his thumb. Anyone around could practically sense how tense Chris became.
I raise an eyebrow as I tilt my chin up before bringing it down. So... this must be the child between him and the girl he cheated on me with. As much as I dislike to say it, that child was one of the cutest kids I've ever seen. Seems like Chris is good in that genetic department.
"Uh, this is (Y/n)." Chris coughs, looking around.
I smile at the little boy. "Yeah, I'm (Y/n). I'm an old friend of your Dad's. What's your name?"
"Devin," he mumbles over his thumb before shoving his face into Chris's shirt. Chris chuckles, rubbing his son's brown curls.
"Sorry, he's pretty shy."
I nod with a shrug. "It's cool. He looks a lot like you. You did a good job."
Chris let's out a nervous chuckle.
"Thanks? I guess? But, um. Anyways. You look good, (Y/n). How's life treating you?""It's treating me pretty great if I must say. I'm doing good. How about you?" I say, trying to get the conversation to hurry up. They would be here any minute and the last thing I needed was Chris to find out.
He sighs. "The band broke up but other than that, I guess I've been good.... Look about what happened those years ago--"
"MOMMY! MOMMY!" A high pitch squeal yells running down the aisle.
My eyes widen.
"Look what I got!" My daughter screeches, holding up a toy. I bend down to her and look at the My Little Pony doll she's holding.
"That's cute, baby! How much was it?" I ask, petting her hair down.
My daughter sticks her thumb in her mouth.
"5 dollars. That means I have 3 left for candy!!!" She grins and bounces. I smile and shake my head, kissing her brown curls."I suppose you're right, baby," Standing up, I turn my attention back to Chris who is standing there wide-eyed.
I scratch the back of my neck.
"Mommy, who this?" My daughter asks, wiggling her way between me and the cart."This is Chris. An old-- friend of mine." I awkwardly answer. "Chris, this is my little girl (Y/d/n)."
He looks a little shaken.
"O-oh? How old is she?"I gulp. "She's five."
Chris's eyes widen even more and he pales. Drastically. I avoid eye contact.
"(Y/n). She--"
"(Y/D/N)!" someone shouts. Turning around, I see a black haired man coming sliding into the aisle, looking frantically up and down.
"DADDY!" She giggles, running over to Ricky.
You could practically see the relief in Ricky's eyes when he sees his adopted daughter. I smile as he swoops her up. Leaning against the cart, I watch the scene unfold as he scolds her lightly for running away from him in a store but then holds her tight before tickling her as punishment.
Ricky may not have been her real father, but he damn sure took up the fatherly role like a boss. It was part of the reason why I cared about him so much.
Ricky walks over and kisses me on the cheek. "Hi, love," he smiles. I return it and peck his cheek.
Behind us, a throat is cleared. Blinking, Ricky turns before gasping slightly.
"Chris! Hey, man! It's been a while.""O-oh. Y-yeah," Chris forces a fake smile as the two hug.
"I hate to cut this short, but demon here wants her candy and last thing we need is her claws coming out."
(Y/d/n) gently smacks her dad's chest.
"Hey!"Ricky feigns innocence. "What?! It's true. You got them from your mother."
I give a playful glare.
He grins cheekily. "Bye, love."
I wave him away, "Yeah, yeah." I smile.
The two walk away and I turn back to Chris.
"So," he gulps. "You and Ricky?"
I nod.
"He treats me right."Chris looks down at the ground and mumbles. "I treated you right, too."
A hint of sorrow hits me in my chests as I see the remorse in his face. I remember all the good times we had, all the lovely memories, but then I remember all the times he betrayed me and hurt me. Not literally. But cheating hurts. A lot.
I sigh. "You did. For a while. With Ricky, I don't have to worry about any other girls."
Chris meets my gaze. "I'm sorry," he croaks.
I shake my head no.
"You chose all the other ones over me. You never once attempted to find me. It's too late to apologize. Now if you excuse me, I have a lovely daughter and caring boyfriend to go find."With that, I switch my cart around and head in the opposite direction. Away from the one who I once thought would be my forever but ended up being my never. Locking the pain and past love away in my chest, I take a deep breath and walk away from Chris for the last time.
So here's part 2. Opinions?
This is also dedicated to @
For asking for a part 2.
But... I kinda like this and I was wondering if I turned it into an actual book, would anyone read it? Comment if you think I should.Xx- Cruelty 💋🖤