Chapter 4

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Jungkook's POV

I grabbed the handle and slowly tried to open the door as quietly as I can. But it didn't open. Who ever was inside locked the door.

I looked at Taehyung who looked as curious as I am.

"Who ever was inside there has an amazing voice!" Taehyung was right. Who ever was in there does have a nice voice.

"But as far as I know, I think no one else here can actually knows how sing other than Bangtan." I said looking at the locked door.

"Maybe you haven't heard the whole school yet. Cause I too haven't heard this voice yet." He said pointing at the locked door that hasn't made a single sound after we arrived.

We were standing here for three minutes now talking about this mysterious voice until the rest of Bangtan got here.

"What are you guys doing here in front of the music room?" Jimin hyung questioned us.

"And both of you were gone for quite some time already while we were looking for you guys." Namjoon hyung added.

Before me and my hyung can answer the bell rang telling us that break is over.

"Well you can tell us later cause now we gotta go for classes now." Jin hyung said.

We all parted ways and I went quickly back to class while still thinking about the unknown voice.


Jaemi's POV

I got here before the teacher arrived. I was about to go in when someone tripped me. I stumbled before getting back on my balance.

I turned to see the person who just tripped me. This was no other than Jeon Jungkook himself.

The whole class laughed and pointed at as if I was a freak. But I didn't mind at all cause I was just used to all of this already.

I just towards the table and just waited for the English teacher to arrive.

The teacher finally came, the class greeted the teacher before taking our seats.

I don't really like this lesson, heck I do like any subject except Music and Dance in the school.

But I really don't cause you either have to talk to the class, doing group work or projects or anything with socialize other.

I am just very awkward and people in this school hate me. 

So English lessons are my least favourite subject in school.

So I just stared blankly at the board in front and just let the teacher talk whatever she needs to talk about english.

But of course my day won't be complete without someone annoying me.

So Jungkook started blowing out rolled up paper at me from a straw.

I really hate when something gets stuck in my hair so I had to remove it.

So I kept touching my hair to find the rolled up paper in my hair. But he did it too many times for me to know how many is in my hair.

Some in the front turned behind to see what's happening.

They all giggled and turned behind to face the teacher while I just kept on trying to get rid of the pieces of paper off my hair while Jungkook was just a giggling mess.

Was it really that amusing?

The teacher finally noticed me and ask me why I was touching my hair so much.

I shook my head and she continued.

After a while we had to read out the sentences on the board out loud in English.

Many tried to pronounce the words completely but failed.

It's finally my turn and I said it so she can at least hear me through my mask.

But it didn't work.

"Can you please remove your mask so I can hear how you pronounce the words.I can't really hear you through the mask." She said while pointing at my mask.


But I couldn't just say no cause, then the teacher would ask for a reason why.

"Umm... I... you see..."

It was so awkward. I felt like dissappearing from this class right now. And everyone was looking at me whispering.

"I could but..."


Thank god the bell rang before I could say anything.

I quickly packed my things and went to the class while I heard some whispers and some giggles of what happened.

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