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Rhaessa knew vanity was a flaw of hers, riches and luxury vices. Even so, she was sure her reaction to the monstrosity in the mirror was perfectly rational.

"It looks like an old lady's carpet."

"I know," Minza said.

"That cheap bastard wouldn't even buy fabric; he probably fished this material out of someone's rubbish. And look at how it washes me out! What shade of green is this? Swamp?"

Rhaessa twisted her hips in either direction, trying to find some angle or pose that was flattering. The leotard was drab against her tawny skin and long black hair. Long swatches of fabric flew from the waist down to her ankles, showcasing her legs with even the slightest movement. Rhaessa had to stifle the urge to extend her claws and slash at the hideous thing— that at least would've been an improvement.

"The more you complain the longer you have to wear it. If you're finished throwing a fit, we can end this quick and get out of these things."

Minza finally looked up from where she'd been strapping two small daggers on her upper thighs. Instead of sectioned fabric, her bright orange leotard was connected to a short skirt. Still ugly, but at least it provided her some kind of cover.

"I know, but our target is even less enticing than wearing this," Rhaessa said as she wrapped a silver bracelet around her wrist. Her ears picked up the noise of distant footsteps stomping closer. She heard them pause in front of their dressing room door seconds before it flew open.

Imbrose, the owner of the swanky establishment they were currently employed at, glared at them. His pinched face was red from both his exertion and anger. He was short but hard to miss with his generous belly and extravagant clothing.

"We opened twelve minutes ago. Twelve! And you two harpies are sitting here powdering your fucking noses. Get out on the damn floor and start serving some drinks before I boot you to the streets."

As he spoke, a glob of his saliva landed on Rhaessa's shoulder. She imagined his spittle being his blood as she beat him to a pulp. For two weeks now she and Minza had been in disguise in preparation for their mark, Lord Burnel, to visit. He was always sure to stop at Imbrose's gentleman's club whenever he was in Heding, a town in the tropical southern region of Luraek. They'd been observing him since his arrival, spying on gossiping servants and soldiers to understand what motivated him. Unsurprisingly, women were high on that list. 

It had been hellish dealing with rowdy customers and the club's arrogant owner on top of all the sneaking around, and Rhaessa had quickly begun to reach her limit. Another one of her vices took hold of her— anger. If they were wrong and Lord Burnel didn't visit the club today, she would raze the place down. As if sensing her ire, Minza quickly jumped in to divert Imbrose's attention.

"I do so apologize, sir. We truly just wanted to look our best for your lovely customers. You want the club to do well, and since it's important to you... it's really, very important to me."

Minza gave him an indulgent smile and fluttered her lashes. Combined with her doe eyes and delicate face, the lecherous man was quickly enamored. Rhaessa knew damn well how Minza's sultry expression wouldn't falter even as she gutted a man.

"Right. Well... j-just don't take too long. Make sure to be out in two minutes." Imbrose gave Minza one last appraisal before leaving the room. As soon as the door shut, Minza spun to face Rhaessa.

"Fifteen years I've been trying to teach you to control yourself. Fifteen years. Yet you almost ruin not only a two-week mission but over a decade of hiding to get into a pissing contest with some pompous moron. I saw your eyes change."

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