Explaining and Diagon Ally

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"My um- relatives didn't really like magic sir."
"I see. And what happened when you did accidental magic?"
Dumbledore asked but really did not want to know.
"Um, they would usually lock me in my cupboard with food or water..and sometimes punish me.." Harry said barely audible.
"And how would they punish you Harry?"
"B-by hitting me sir. But I'm a freak sir, I deserved it..." Harry choked on a sob.
"I need to do some thinking. Harry you will not be returning to your relatives again, I promise you."
Dumbledore left and ran into a very angry Minerva.
"Where is-?"
"Come with me and I'll explain. I might need your assistance."
Harry was glaring at Snape.
"You told him."
"Yes I did. But I also promised treats."
"I was exposed!"
"Yes, and I will fix you up and make you healthy again. Isn't that worth it to be half nude if front of the headmaster?"
Harry growled in response.
"Verbally, if you will."
"Yes, sir."
"Someone's moody today.."
"You would be too if you accidentally blew up your potion, shrunk, told the headmaster and the teacher who hates you that you were abused *shiver*, and got snitched on by your least favorite teacher." Harry replied while crossing his arms and pouting. I guess now that I'm shrunk I do these things...
"I don't hate you." Snape said interrupting Harry's thoughts. Harry snorted.
"Sureeee. That's why you belittle and bully me in class. Cause you just love the boy-who-friccin-lived." Harry practically growled the title.
Snape cuffed the side of Harry's head.
"If I hear anther naughty word you will have soap in your mouth and an early bedtime. As for belittling you, you look extremely like your-farther.." Snape drawled. Harry gave him a confused look.
"We had unpleasant times together."
Unpleasant! That was a joke and a half!
"Like me and Dudley?"
Now it was Snape who looked confused.
"Dudley beat me up. He was such a prat. My farther- he-"
"Yes, potter. We were just like you and-Dudley was it? But we were both wizards so-"
"He threw curses and jinxes at you."
Harry finished angrily.
"Potter.. I don't want you hating your dad because he picked on snivellious."
"He came up with a stupid nickname?!"
Harry yelled while he turned and faced Snape with unshed tears. They sat in silence for a minute or two when Harry broke in, scooting closer to Snape.
"Mine was freak."
"I know potter, I know."
Snape said while rubbing Harry's back.
"I'm sorry my dad was a bully. Now I understand why you hate me." Harry said quietly, gently leaning on Snape.
"Never again, potter. I promise."
"Hold still."
"Why am I wearing slytherien colors?"
"You can be a slytherien for today. No one would suspect it's Harry Potter."
Snape answered while trying to dress a wriggling potter in warm clothes.
"What's the matter now?"
"I never thought you were gonna take me. You were gonna make me do it anyways."
"That's True, but you were very well behaved besides the fact that your self esteem is lower than a rock."
For the first time Snape heard Harry laugh. He wanted to hear it more.
"What is it you find so humorous Mr. Potter?"
"Oh nothing. Just you."
"I am offended."
They both  apperated to the leaky cauldron. Harry almost fell until strong arms stopped him.
"I-I hated THAT."
"Yes, apperating someone can be quite unsettling for the first time."
Harry shook it off, but the weird thing was Snape wasn't letting go of his hand.
"Um... Sir?"
Snape bent down at Harry's level.
"Hold my hand at all times and if you let go there will be consequences."
Snape narrowed his eyes."but.... If you behave, I could give you a treat."
"But isn't this my treat? And okay, you don't have to act like I'm a bloody baby..."
"Language potter, and yes, technically it is, but I think rewarding you for good behavior is a good way to keep you out of mischief."
"No-no that's not what I meant-"
But Snape wasn't listening and pulling him along. I don't want Snape to get me anything... Wait-why did we even come?
"Potter, we are going to get rid of the rags that your generous aunt seemed to like."
Ohhhhhhh Snape was buying him clothes. Wait.. No no no!
"Um, don't we need to stop by gringotts first?"
"I will pay, don't worry it's what guar-babysitters do.."
Damnit Snape! Don't slip up. I'm not his blasted farther that he apologized- apologized!- to me about..
"Oh..okay.." Harry mumbled quietly.
Why ?? This is exactly what I was afraid of....
So they went and picked out some clothes at Madame malkins and Harry eyes glanced towards the blankets and stuffed animals a few times, but he didn't want to ask. Snape was already buying him so much. Snape saw those glances though and walked over. Harry couldn't resist- he used his hand that wasn't firmly in Snape's and ran it down the isle where all the blankets were. It feels soooo nice...
Oops... I kinda got distracted..
"Sorry... Yes sir?"
"I was saying you can pick you at a blanket and stuffed-creature- to go along with it."
Harry latched himself on Snape- he couldn't stop it.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Snape was caught off guard when potter was hugging his chest. He wrapped his arms around the little pest-only because he didn't want him falling, mind you!- and patted his back awkwardly.
"Yes, yes. Your welcome potter."
Once Harry was down he ran without thinking towards the stuffed animals. Until Snape caught him by the hem of his pants.
"What did I say about hands, you foolish child?"
"To hold onto yours.. Sorry."
Harry said while reaching out his own hand.
"Good boy. since you remember, then there won't be consequences."
While one hand was firmly in Snape's, the other one was trailing along the soft rows of stuffed creatures. He felt something really soft though.. And stopped. Snape was caught off guard.
Harry was looking at a really stylish bat stuffed toy, Snape had to admit. It had long black hair that swooped over its forehead with little fluffy ears poking out. It had the most soft looking wings and dark brown eyes. Harry was looking at it with awe. It looks like Snape.. But I can't tell him that or he'll know what everybody says..
"Guess you have two dungeon bats of your own."
Snape suddenly spoke, startling Harry.
"I-well- I sorta like it.."
"Me or the bat?"
Harry laughed, "Both."
I've seen how he looked at the bat with pure happiness and awe...is that how he feels about me?
"Well, since you have your stuffed bat, do you want to get a black blanket?"
"You're letting me get both?!"
"Of course."
Once they got the clothes, the blanket, and bat, they were off to the apothecary. While Harry was holding Snape's hand while he looked at cauldrons, Lucius Malfoy walked up behind them.
"Severus, what a pleasure... And Mr. Potter?"
"Yes. What do I owe the pleasure Lucius?"
"Hmm.. Nothing just getting a few errands done. How is school been Mr. Potter?"
"I'm doing good in all my classes, Mr. Malfoy."
Harry said proudly, but tiredly while leaning on Snape's leg.
"Someone needs a nap.. And can I floo you tonight Severus?"
"Of course."
" 'm too big for naps."
With that Snape picked up Harry and headed to the quidditch shop. Harry was fast asleep on his shoulder. He walked over to the brooms. He picked out a nimbus 2000, he is quite a talented flyer, and besides he can't be comfortable on a school broom!
He apperated back to his quarters with Harry still sleeping on his shoulder. He went and saw that they're was an extra room. Minerva..
When he walked in sure enough there was Griffindor colors everywhere. There was a little pair of pajamas with snitches all over them with a note on top. It read:
I thought Harry might need another pair of pajamas since his.. ACCIDENTS. But that's besides the point, I added another room to your quarters until we find a proper guardian. And I think we have. We will floo you when you come back.
Albus and Minerva
Snape tightened his grip on Harry. Did Dumbledore tell her about Potter's past? The fact that they found a real guardian didn't set well with Severus. No, not one bit.

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