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    "night and day, you are the one"

twentieth of april, it was; when he saw her.

the flowers had just begun to bloom again, bringing a tinge of colour and warmth to even the most dull parts of the city. it came as a relief; spring. the past winter had been one of the darkest, coldest and most melancholy, which anyone who spent a few minutes around him would know, he griped about it constantly.
his favorite season was here and he was in complete bliss. spring always brought change. the good type of change.

he'd been out in the garden that morning, ringing the first snowdrop as he always had; this time without his mother, she'd passed during the winter.
"it'll bring luck, right mum?"
he whispered, studying the tiny spray between his fingertips.

he remained knelt there for a few moments before getting up and tending to the rest of the garden, pulling weeds here and there and turning soil.
after a cup of strong black coffee, and a hot shower, he got dressed and ready for work.
he was a spectacle. his young neighbours would hardly miss the sight of the young man in a navy blue suit and cream tie clambering onto his old, slightly rusty, pale blue bicycle, (he always rode in the springtime) racing down to the city.

he loved it. the breeze that is, and the fragrant smells of spring which it brought. his thick, dark hair blew about his forehead and his tie, restrained by the buttons of his jacket flapped as if it were a bird trying to free itself.
he sighed as his journey came to an end, and trudged into the building and up the stairs after parking his bicycle.

it was just about half six when he returned to his bicycle, stuffing the small grocery list he'd made into the pocket of his trousers. He rode through the park, his usual route, slowing down and eventually stopping to gaze at the sunset over the river.

And then it happened. Both pairs of deep caramel eyes (now turned golden by the sun) met.

"breathtaking," was all either of them could think.

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