What They Know

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Julie's pov:

Before taking a step forward, I make one last glance around the school corridor.

She is going to kill me.

You can do this Julie, all you have to do is make it to your locker and....

"Julie Wells!!!" A frantic voice shouts from somewhere behind me.

I flinch and slowly turn around to face the wrath of Gianna.

"Oh.. uh.. hey Gianna." I say awkwardly waving.

Maybe she won't... remember?

That I missed all of her fifty some calls.

She walks up to me. "You didn't call me back!"

"Oh yeah about that." I say letting out a nervous laugh.

I mean it was just so hard with the whole time difference and everything.

It's not like I didn't want to talk to her..

It's just that I kept falling asleep and then I would check my phone in the morning then I would forget.

I'm such a terrible person.

She gives me the stink eye and I just let it all out.

"IKindaMaybeForgotKinda." I rush out at a inhuman pace.

"You owe me for scaring me." She says pointing at me.

I gulp as I stare at her finger accusing me.

But then out of nowhere I feel myself being pulled into a hug.

"But I missed you." She says squishing me half to death.

I let out a sigh of relief as I hug her back.

"I had to survive school all by myself because of your parents horrible vacation planning." I gasp for air at how tight she hugs.

"So, anything good happen while I was gone? Or was it just a boring." She says walking beside me to my locker.

The big fight with Luke...

Samantha being pregnant...

The match...

Ashton kissed me last night...

The best kiss of my life.

Well, my only kiss...

But still the best!

"Not much." I say trying to not make it obvious that I am not entirely telling the truth.

It's not like I don't want to tell her...

I trust Gianna, even though I have only known her for a couple days, I can tell she is a great, reliable person who I probably don't deserve to be called friend.

But it's just that, everything is happening so fast and I want to get my life together before I tell her about my confusing life.

I will tell her once she is away from all sharp objects and is about a planet away from me.

Just to make sure I don't get brutally murdered in the process you know?

But instantly, I freeze.

"Shoot." I mumble under my breath.

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