My name is Kuberi. I come from a pride called the Ashta pride or life pride. Today was the first day of the wet season, and this meant the black army was coming. The black army is what we lions call the black wildebeest that come into our territory. My mother and the rest of our pride was in a super good mood today because the dry season was over.
Every year the wildebeest and zebra herds pass through our territory. Millions upon millions of dinner on hoof. So much wildebeest as far as the eye can see. During the wet season when the wildebeest arrive we lions take individual hunts. Millions of calves an foals made easy targets.
I went solo today going for a yearling or calf of wildebeest. Everyone else except Kupenda was away hunting. The long green grass made it difficult to camouflage with my tan coloration. Today temperatures reached 85 degrees Fahrenheit (29.4 degrees Celsius). The perfect hunting temperature.
I took my position in a thicket, eyeing out a calf that strayed from it's mother. I singled out a lone yearling and the stalk began. Lions are fast 37 to 50 mph (60 to 80 kmph) but only for a little while so its important to get close.
Within 150 feet (45.7 meters) of my target I sprinted off. The herd morality of wildebeest kicked in: Run when another runs. The chase was on . Never had I ran so fast, the thrill of the chase.
I began to close the gap between me and the yearling. Closer, closer, closer, JUMP!!!! Onto the back of the 450 lbs. (204.12 kg) wildebeest. The wildebeest fought, oh it fought. I was being bucked up and down. I tried to get a grip and then the wildebeest took off dragging me with it.
Whoo doggie!!! That wildebeest put up quite a fight. But I managed to triumph after 2 hours. This was my first solo kill! I was pretty proud of myself for making a teenage wildebeest kick the bucket. Nia probably was failing at making a kill while I triumphed.
But I was wrong. Nia had been able too bring down a zebra all by herself!! A 1,500 lbs. (680.39 kg) zebra!!!. An it was full grown!!! " Hey twin." she said smugly when I arrived dragging my kill. "Anyone can kill a zebra." I answered.
"Not everyone." She said. "So what?" I said. She went back to feasting. I had already eaten 45 lbs. (20.41 kg) of my kill. "Let's play something when were done eating." I suggested. "Can't. Got to bury this so YOU won't EAT ALL of it like last time I didn't bury my meat."
I went to my nap spot, and fell asleep.

The lions book 2: Wet season War
ActionKuberi and his pride are happy the wet season has arrived, but across the river is Mabaya's pride who want to gain the plentiful side of the Mara. War has been declared...