Soon enough, I was sitting in the backseat of Mom’s minivan. Except Dad was driving instead. Mom was asking me over and over again if I was okay, and what exactly happened, even though she was standing right behind the tinted glass when I was talking to the police officer. Dad sat there without saying a single word. His eyes were fixated on the road.
“Mom, I said everything there was to say. There’s nothing more to tell.” I said. I looked at Dad from the backseat. He glanced at me through the rear view mirror. His mustache hid most of his upper lip. His eyes held anger and sadness.
I can tell he is mad, who wouldn’t be? Audrey was younger so, of course, she was ‘Daddy’s little girl’. He loved her a lot. My mom was different, she looked out for the both of us and never played favorites. But most of the time she would stick up for me because she knew that I knew that Audrey was dad’s favorite. It was always me and mom against Audrey and dad, always.
Finally, we arrived at our house. As Mom struggled to open the door, I struggled to hide the blood on my dress. It was hard to cover since it was splattered all over. Even three arms can’t hide the amount of blood on me. When Mom opened the door, I rushed inside. Broken glass covered the peach wood floor. I ran upstairs.
My room was messy. There were clothes everywhere except the closet. I had some in my suitcase and some were just randomly lying around the floor. My bed was unmade, just as how I had left it. My white, wooden desk was covered in papers. I walked up to my desk to see what the papers were. It felt like I hadn’t been in my room since forever. They were just a bunch of drawings I had done. I stuffed the drawings inside the top shelf of my desk and made my way over to my bed.
I took a shower, washing myself thoroughly. Maybe if I washed hard enough, I could remember. I changed into my pajamas and lied down on top of my bed. I pulled my comforter over my face. It was at this moment that you’d expect me to cry, and that’s exactly what I did. I didn’t want to be awake anymore. I wiped my tears, and closed my eyes, and in an instant, I was in a deep sleep.
A/N: So, I know this is like EXTREMELY short, but since I'm basically making you guys reread it, I should probably make the chapters a little shorter. Makes sense, right? Well, thanks for 219 reads! ILY guys!!! I just hoped we can get more votes maybe? <3

My Broken World
Mystery / ThrillerSorry, I'm not good at descriptions, just read it.