✏Letter to Caleb #5✏

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In vain, I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Dear Caleb

When I thought about how my life was before you came, all I could see was a girl standing in the middle of a scorching desert, longing for a drop of water. I see a girl in desperate need of shelter, love, and peace. She was running barefoot on the hot sand. She was running from her past. Just when she thought of giving up, a drop fell on her cheeks. Drops after drops It rained. It rained in the middle of the desert. It rained for her. This is going to be my last letter to you. I won't need to write you letters anymore. I will tell you the truth. I know you will understand. I know you love me too. Somehow, unimaginably, and impossibly, this broken girl has fallen in love with the dark prince. And to love someone was to give them the power to destroy you and yet to find beauty in the remnants. Here's to every day to come. Love,

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