Lilith Peirce?

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Hi my name is Lilith, I'm 17 years old nearly 18 and I live with my father, Marcus Pierce may I mention he is my adoptive father, I was adopted as a baby.

I was abandoned, well so I thought for a long time, till I learned the truth. I never told my dad I knew the truth, so I have no idea if he knows who my parents are as well to me that is, I know he knows my parents now.

I also know a lot of things he doesn't know. That when his time is up he will be back with Amanda his former lover. She was killed in a car accident, she was my Mum, she and my father adopted me after I was left at his desk, they never could find my real parents so months after they and the social works sorted it all out and they adopted me, Amanda fell in love with my little baby face, she could never have her own kids for reasons.

It is okay, I mean they were lovely they care like no other, Amanda was especially good with me.

When we moved to LA, and Dad got his new job, he never did tell his new work place he had a kid and I was not allowed to visit, he said it was just because he didn't want me nowhere near his work due to dangerous people. It never bothered him before but I really knew why. It was really because of Lucifer and his Maze. He didn't want me near them, little did he know I knew why and who they were.

Let me tell you who my real parents are shall I? I am the daughter of the devil himself and a demon.

I will tell you the story I thought was true and then what was real.

So I was abandoned this is what I knew till I found the truth out once we moved here, apparently my parents abandoned me and never ever cared they never loved me. But what really happened was, Lucifer and Maze came up to earth to get a proper doctor they wanted their baby to be healthy and that is what they did, but they never knew a demon had followed them. Someone who they hated and the demon didn't find it near enough normal for someone with no soul to carry the devil's child.

This demon followed them out of the mist. They processed the doctor that would be here with the midwife, and once I was born, the midwife left the doctor with my Birth parents, next thing that happened the so called doctor said I was going for some check ups as there was some issue with my heart.

Maze asked what it was and why the midwife never mentioned this, all she said was, "Awe,  look you both have a beautiful baby girl as health as could be". This is what confused both Maze and Lucifer but they put it down to them being human.

The doctor said that even though I was indeed healthy there was an indication of infection close to the heart it could be nothing or something. So they let the doctor take me away. The doctor said it would be a few hours until, I was ready to go home that they could get ready for when I arrive back to be able to go home.

The doctor told the midwife that the parents needed some time that the doctor would see to them himself, The Midwife thought it was odd he was taken me for checks but she thought maybe he picked up on something she never and just allowed it.

He never took me for 'tests' he took me out of the hospital. I have some weird memory of this but of course I was a baby I didn't think nothing of it I guess as before I thought it was only a dream Until I found out otherwise.

Anyhow, after I was taken away the Doctor well the demon, did I tell you the demons name? Well this one has non it's called the nothing demon, because Lucifer hated him for trying to get to Maze as he wanted to be his 'top' demon, and the. take over as the devil in hell. What an idiot.

Anyway, as I was saying he took me to the station where a young detective would find me. At first, sadly no one was around when I was left and placed. But when I was found by Pierce there was a note. But even after reading the note he still tried to find my parents but never could.

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