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The colour of envy, of sickness, of evil in certain situations but also of wealth, of life and the environment green is human

Green, stuck in the middle of yellow and blue the colour of happines and the colour of sadness we can all relate to green, green is us, we are green we can air on the side of yellow or become attached to living in the blue either way we are all still green, is anyone ever truly a yellow with so much blue needed to make us green.

Have you ever though about green as anymore than a colour? Have you ever thought of yourself as anymore than a human? if you expect me to say something undeniabley beautiful or something indisputably philosophical you'd be wrong, you are a slave to money, a slave to commercialism and a slave to whatever you obey, teachers,parents and laws and of course while some rules are truly there to keep order and attempt peace have you ever wondered if all of the laws are just there so the goverment has mass control over the majority of the population and if so how long will it take for us all to be forcibly conforming into the mold of the goverments ideal, obeying subjects

Green: wealth, we aspire to be green, green is only human after all

This is the story of the congessional green chair

the congressional green chairWhere stories live. Discover now