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Chairs are supported by 4 legs and that logic can be applied to us

Imagine you are the seat of the chair without legs your just the skeleton of a bean bag nobody wants you, your useless destined to be melted down into children's plates and party bags.

All you need to avoid this fate is your legs, your support.

Four legs, as with all good modern literature, a metaphor, four legs

Family and yourself, thats two, they are the two legs that you are born with

family some may not be great, there maybe some you hate but you are born into the world with a family and they are one of your legs
You are your own leg, you have to be you are your own strongest leg you may not always see it but chairs need 4 legs and with out yourself you will fall and be cast into a cola bottle

Your probably thinking about the other two legs these are the ones you gain throughout your life, your friends and relationships.

Friends: the people you meet in your life the ones who you hold dear and who you choose to suround yourself with wether they are aquaintences or best friends they all add to your life and increase the chairs stability.

Relationships come and go but then there is that one person who makes you understand why people fall in love, you will put hard work into finding the right person and you will both put hard work into being eachothers leg because unlike family and friends this leg is just one person, one person who has to be an entire leg and you love them for being able to be an entire leg by themselves, so why dont you love yourself for doing the same thing? A person must be incredibly strong to be a lone leg in this over the top metaphor and the strongest people often do not see that

Living your life you notice how sadness is a poem and happiness is a pop song
Sadness is short, happiness is long and gets stuck in your head people get addicted to pop songs while others get intertwined with poems

The chair is you and your support system

This is the story of the congressional green chair

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2018 ⏰

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