It's all he can see but he knew, it was time to leave this dark room with that in mind he started to flail, kick, scratch and try to bite at the area in front of him, soon a blinding light burst into the dark abyss he was trapped in, seeing this brought hope to his young but extremely intelegent mind as he moved his tiny little clawed hands pushing at the opening till he could see out of it, the small little raptor would blink his very different but beautiful looking m red and gold mixed eyes as he looked around seeing large creatures standing there looking at him and he pushed more till his small little reptilian head was able to wriggle out, his body closely following behind him as he slid out onto this weird type of prickly bedding. The small little velociraptor would yelp out as he slowly tried to stand on his own two little feet before he looked down his snake like eyes blinking before he looked up jumping a hiss leaving him seeing another creature in front of him, but with seeing how it moved the same way he did he'd click as he realized that, the little velociraptor staring at him was indeed himself, the dark, black and white skin that was shiny with the liquid that was stuck to him after he had just hatched, but before he could think even a second more he felt warm but roughish hands picking him up causing the little black raptor to growl and hiss in protest before freezing on the spot his own ruby and golden snake like eyes widening as he saw dark green eyes staring happily at him before letting out a starkled click at hearing a deep voice "hello there little guy....wow you had just hatched and your already bigger then what you should be " he was indeed a bit bigger, owen had observed but what really had gotten the brunette was the white daimond smack dab in the middle of the velociraptors head "seeing as you have a little diamond on your head...how about Ace being your name bud?" The small raptor would stare before excited clicking leaves him, before it was cut off at the sound of loud cracking and ace would turn in Owens hand some to see four other raptors showing out of their eggs now, two of them two different types of green, one more of a yellow color and the last which seemed to be the second biggest would be grey with blue mixed in. Seeing this Owen would set the black colored raptor down which earned a quick disapproving click from the small male making owen laugh before moving and naming the rest, once done Owen would stare at Ace a wide grin on his face "well seeming as I'm the alpha little guy you'll be my beta seeing as your the biggest and blue as my third in command how does that sound?" In return the raptors would sqweak out agreements, and Ace knew then and there that his long life is going to be filled with lots of adventures.
Hope you guys liked the prologue! Tell me what you think in the comments! I'd like to know if I should fix anything so don't be scared to comment! Later my little raptors!

Raptor Boy And His Alpha
RomanceAce was a very......special type of raptor, as without Owens knowledge, the scientist of ingen had made his dna...slightly different then what he should have been. Follow Owen, Ace, and the mitchal brothers with their aunt Clair, and a.....killer di...