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You struggled to get ready for your big day that was finally here.

"Tom!!" You called as you were getting dressed

"Yes love"

"Do you know where my contacts are? I can't find them and I'm literally blind without them"

He ran into the bathroom and found them. Lord he is your life saver.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked as you were doing your hair and makeup.

"Almost. I'll meet you in the car" you said finishing up. He went outside and started up the car.

You stood there looking in the mirror. You were pleased with how fast it took you to look this good.

Your insides were queezy at the thought that this was your first ever audition. For a big movie. That your boyfriend was going to be in.

But the thing was, he wasn't allowed to tell you the movie because he couldn't afford getting in trouble for anyone finding out. He said it was 'supposed to be a secret'

The more you waited the more he wanted to tell you.

You hopped in the car as tom pulled out of your driveway.

"You look stunning." He said looking over at you.

You smiled to yourself and blushed. You guys had been dating for 2 months and you were still always nervous around him.

You arrived to the set where they were holding the auditions. There were girls lined up going out the door.

"If they don't even know what they are auditioning for why are they so eager to get in?" You asked tom as you parked the car.

"Well for starters, I'm in it."

You didn't think about that. The newest Spider-Man, the new hot guy everyone obsesses over. Man, the fandom must be crazy for him. (You know it)

"Second this is also LA so there's going to a LOT of people auditioning no matter what it is. And third, the director."

"Well who's the director?"

He didn't want to say the name or else it would've given away the movie it was.

He hoped you wouldn't know who he was so he just said it. "James Cameron"

Your eyes widened at the name. Not many people knew him by his name, but you sure did.

"James Cameron??? You mean the one that directed Titanic??" You practically jumped out of the car seat.

He put his hand on your shoulder. "Look chill out. I'm not even supposed to give you that much information. Just pretend this didn't happen. Let's go inside"

You got out of the car approaching the long line of girls waiting.

Tom stopped you as you were about to get in line. "Remember who I am y/n?"

You grabbed your hand and pulled you inside of the place, him giving a wave to the security guards.

You got inside and followed him down a long hallway.

He went into this room that seemed to have a whole bunch of professional people.

"Hey Tom!" One Guy said coming over shaking his hand.

Multiple people coming up to him. Until you see the one person.

"Tom! Just in time!" The man said coming over to him.

"Hello Mr. Cameron. This is my friend y/n"

He looked at you and you shook his hand, "Hi hi. I'm a huge fan" you said with a big smile.

He smiled back, "Well uh tom let's get you settled back in your dressing room and I'll take y/n into the waiting room" he said. Tom nodded and gave you a wink before walking to his dressing room.

You waited 2 hours in the waiting room for the other auditions to be done.

You walked inside of the room when they called your number.

"So miss y/l/n, you said you were a big fan?" The Director said as he sat down at the table with the other judges, you standing in front of them.

"Yes, Titanic is one of my favorite movies. And I've always looked up to directors and actors like you. I just can't believe I have the opportunity to be here. And I can't wait to find out what this movie will be" You said with a huge smile.

A woman handed you a monologue that you quickly read over. You put the paper down and started acting.

One man was going back and fourth with you, talking like you were in a movie together. Things flowing out, all improv.  All the emotions were so real yet so fake.

When you were done, they all stood up and clapped, even James.

You took a bow and smiled so wide. You couldn't believe how impressed they were.

"Y/n that was amazing. Your like perfect for this movie." One woman said.

"Yeah, Thank god we actually found atleast one good one out of the 170 that we saw today already" another man said.

"Miss y/l/n we will call you tomorrow to follow up on any more news for casting. Thank you for coming" the director said standing up.

"Thank you!" You said as you turned around, to see tom standing in the corner with a big smile on his face.

You ran over to him and gave him a hug. "Y/n that was amazing. You're amazing" he whispered, trying not to be too loud.

You walked back to the car
"Thank you for scoring me this audition, I really think they liked it"

"Oh I know they did y/n. You were outstanding. If you don't get a part I'm quitting" he said jokingly, pulling out of the parking lot.

As you looked out the window, seeing all the movie sets and studios and famous people, you knew you were where you were meant to be.

Now you just have to wait until tomorrow to know for sure

Not without you ~ tom holland fanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora