Chapter 8.

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Mandy's POV

I was wearing my disguise and so was Dave and I went to see Peter and Mary fighting.

"Do you think they're married?" Dave asked.

"No dip shit Sherlock," I said. Mary was done fighting and they basically did a make up kiss and got their costumes on. MJ flipped through the window with her costume on and had the mask with the ears. She grabbed onto Peter with his costume on. "What about your grabbing hook?"

"It's not good enough," she said. I looked at Dave and he moved his head saying it's ok to give to her. I gave her a whip so she can swing off buildings without having to hold onto Peter.

"Here. You can have it," I said.

"What? No Mandy-"

"It's ok. It's yours," I said. She smiled and said thank you. "Now. Let's show these fuckers what we got."


Mary's POV

I was using the whip swinging off buildings and Mandy and Dave used her motorcycle. I saw Carnage with Peter beating him. I immediately put my whip on my belt and swung to where they were. I came in kicking Carnage from Peter.

"You alright?" I asked.

"Is having a shoulder wounded alright?!" He screamed. I started coming from the walls and kicking, punching, at Carnage. Peter was helping. I got caught in his venom. He whipped me against the wall.

"MJ!" Peter screamed. He got whipped and Carnage was choking him.

"You should've just let it be," Carnage said about to bite Peter. I got up and grabbed my whip and whipped his arm choking Peter from him. Carnage moved over showing me with the whip. Peter took off the arm.

"Ew. Ew. Ewww!" He screamed and started whipping himself off.

"Meow," I said. I took my whip. I bent down to Carnage. I took my claws I built in. "No. Let the kitty be." I scratched him making him roar. "Asshole." I walked away with Peter.

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