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    In a galaxy so vast, what would drive a person to stay in one place?

    In a life where one single person is so small, what would drive Shawn to leave?

    My Link pings and my thoughts are pulled away from me. I stand from my bed and walk across the room, switching on my projector and accepting the call. A tall figure with light features appears and I can't fight the large smile that springs to my face.

    "Serina, I've been meaning to call you, it's just been really busy out here." Shawn pushes some of his light blonde hair from his face, it's gotten longer since the last time I talked to him, and he lights up with a large smile to match my own. "How does it feel to finally be twenty-one?"

    I roll my eyes, laughing slightly under my breath. "You know I couldn't be happier, I can now apply for my transfer to A1-C23. I just hope my application is accepted, I really want to see you in person again."

    Shawn chuckles and throws his hand into the air. "Of course it will be accepted. The A1 system always gets the best minds in the galaxy after the Prime system, the system would be crippled if they didn't bring you out here. I'm even getting your housing arrangements in order." He crosses his arms with a smug look on his face and a sick feeling forms in my stomach.

    "Shawn, you shouldn't be spending your time finding a bungalow for me when you're already busy with your work! Besides, there is always a chance that my application won't be approved..." I look down at my hands, unable to meet his eyes and start to pick at the dirt under my nails.

    "Serina, look at me." His voice is stern and I learned years ago to always listen when he uses that tone. I raise my eyes, looking at him through my lashes and his expression loses some of it's edge. "You're my little sister, how can I not do this kind of stuff for you? Now, stop doubting yourself. You're going to go to the GTA, take your aptitude test, then apply for the transfer. Then it is all smooth sailing-"

    "Barringer! I think I found something!" A voice somewhere on his end cuts him off and he sighs, rubbing his forehead. In that one gesture it makes him seem to have aged ten years. Shawn's work as one of the lead geologists has been taking a toll on him and I can tell that he doesn't sleep much anymore.

    "You should get going." I clasp my hands in front of me and rock on my feet, the forming silence squeezing at my heart.

    "I'm sure I could get a few more-"

    "No, you're needed, I understand. Please go do your job, we'll talk more later."

    Shawn frowns and reaches forward, his projection moving his hand by my cheek like he wishes he could touch me. "You're right, like always." He plants a smile on his face and meets my eyes. "I guess I have to get going Spongy, I love you."

    "I love you too." With that, the transmission cuts out and his projection disappears, leaving my room with an oddly dark feel.

    I shudder and shake my head, turning on the lights and grabbing my Link from the charging dock. With my Link in hand, I leave my room and head for the den, the television coming to life when I walk through the threshold. On the screen is a woman in the Prime system speaking with a live video playing next to her. I sit on the couch, crossing my legs underneath me and unmute the feed.

    "...and while all available resources are being moved to their location, the GTA is sill focused on giving some of the newer colonies their attention." I look at the video next to her, seeing pictures of Otrerth, the recently named D9-J4 planet.

    The video shifts between shots of demolished buildings and crying people. The video shows the worst of the destruction after a large asteroid crashed into Otrerth's larger moon, knocking it off course.

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    I'm focused on the feed when my Link chimes. I lean forward, looking at the screen and see Astrid's name in big white letters. I open the projector and accept her call. A short girl with a slight frame joins me in the room and I have to look up to meet her eyes from the couch.

    "Hey Rina, long time no see!" I chuckle and shift on the couch, tucking my feet under me a little more, the cold air chilling my toes.

    "We talked yesterday, remember how Jack-Jack came out of his room in just his underwear not realizing I was there?" Astrid bursts into a fit of laughter as she remembers the events of yesterday.

    "Then when he saw you he ran back into his room and refused to come out until our call ended!" I felt so bad for her little brother, the little eight-year-old is the youngest of the five kids and he seemed to have a slight crush on me. Or at least that's what Astrid says.

    "Anyway, would you mind moving somewhere you can sit down? You're currently standing in my coffee table." I gesture to her legs even though she can't see the table that stands about shin level.

    Astrid laughs and nods. "Sure, just a second." She starts walking in place as she moves around her house while carrying her Link. Once she stops and sits down, I adjust my Link and it looks like she's sitting next to me.

    "What's the matter?" Astrid looks at me and crosses her arms, seeming to know whenever I need to talk.

    I sigh and look down at my hands, trying to think of the right words. "I don't-it's just-" I scowl down at my lap and shake my head. "Shawn finally called..."

    I raise my gaze and Astrid nods. Her older sister, Gwen, took a transfer the same year Shawn did and we both lost our best friend. Two months later, we met on a support site for people mostly on their own until their twenty-first birthday and have been each other's best friend since, knowing exactly what the other was going through.

    "I'm guessing the call didn't go as you hoped?" I shake my head and she frowns.

    "We talked for a few short minutes but then he was called back to work." Astrid gives me a sad look but soon the light in her eyes changes.

    "Enough talk about busy brothers, what is your plan now that your twenty-one?" She gives me a side smile and I chuckle.

    "The same one that I told you yesterday." We both chuckle, even though I've only known Astrid for the past couple of years, I know that she's the type of person who will do anything to make someone else smile.

    "So, go to the GTA and ace your test?"

    "That and apply for the transfer." I shrug, swallowing my excitement. I will finally be able to see my brother face-to-face after he moved away four years ago. "Are you going to apply for a transfer? Maybe go work on the same planet as your sister?"

    Astrid shakes her head. "I don't know, it's actually a hard decision for me, you know?" Oddly, I did. While I never really had anyone but Shawn, Astrid has a lot of people and now leaving them just to be with one must be a really hard decision.

    "I think I might just leave it up to the GTA. If I'm meant to go somewhere, I'll go somewhere." She gives a small shrug but I can see the tension in her posture and I know that she's having a hard time deciding.

    I'm about to ask her to open up when there's a knock on my door. I glance at the clock across the room and deflate. "Who's at your door? Or was that my door?" Astrid looks around on her side and I laugh.

    "No, that was my door." I turn and face my door, starting to stand. "Just a moment!" I grab my Link and run to my room.

    "Who's at your door?" Astrid repeats her question and raises a brow, crossing her arms over her chest. I set my Link down and roll my eyes.

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