An Adjustment

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I wake up in the morning feeling sick. I had that sense that something unusual or unpleasant was gonna happen, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. I get out of bed, take a shower, put on some fresh clothes, have a great breakfast, get my backpack, and go out the door. Today Margaret's going to the dentist so I don't have to take her to school and my Father is taking Billy for a walk so I don't have to do that as well. Which means I can get to school early. Still, that sickening feeling whirled around in my stomach, almost making me throw up. And when I finally got to school, it didn't get any easier. Keith was still on the basketball court playing with the boys so I had to sit on the bench and wait for him. Paige was sitting beside me. I wanted to talk to her but she was doing something on her phone. When the boys finally stoped playing for what seemed like an hour, I stood up to talk to Keith. That always made me feel better. But instead of coming to me like he does every time, he kept standing on the court, talking to Ethan! I knew that meant I had to get in there and somehow be part of their conversation. "Hi Keith, hi Ethan," I said, walking towards them. "Oh, hello Declana," replied Keith, then turned back to Ethan. I was confused. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "Um, guy stuff, you wouldn't understand," Keith remarked and turned back again. Now I was angry. "What's the big deal!" I yelled. "Look, Ethan and I have been on the same team for so long, we have hated each other for very long too, and when we finally become friends, you aren't even happy for us! I thought you would be. Now leave us alone!" stated Keith and walked away with Ethan. Now I really want to vomit. I can't believe that guy! He barley pays any attention to his best friend, and expects me to be happy for him for making friends with another guy instead? I mean, I would be happy for him if it wasn't for the attitude. But, does this mean we can still be best friends, or am I just garbage now? What happened to Keith? Has he gone to the dark side with Ethan? Is he gonna be just like him? How did things go so wrong so quickly?


I really did think Declana would be happy for me, but, I guess not. I mean, as much as I think about it, I've never really had any guy friends. I've always stuck around with Paige and Declana as long as I can remember. Why not be friends with a boy like me for a change? I smiled at that thought and kept talking with Ethan. He is hilarious! Now I know why all the boys stick around him. Time flies at school when you're with Ethan. Unfortunately I still have to finish my science project with Declana, but I'lll just leave to her to finish it. Like I care. When school is over, Ethan and I go to Basketball practice since it's Wednesday. We played great, then talked on the break. "Declana is pretty selfish. She doesn't want you to be friends with anyone else," stated Ethan. "I guess," I replied. "You know, I think you should just forget about her, and go be friends with someone like Allison," suggested Ethan. "Allison? What about her?" I asked. "Well, she's very pretty, and she's amazing at baseball. Have you seen her on the girls baseball team?" remarked Ethan. "Come to think of it I have. She is pretty good," I confirmed. "See, going somewhere already! I hear she's coming to that little party on Easter hosted by Paige, go talk with her there!" exclaimed Ethan. "Okay," I smiled. Ethan smiled back. I knew I was going the right way with this decision. But what will Declana think? 

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