Nobody likes Lee

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Lafayette PoV

I walked back towards the park everyone was at with 3 coffees, one for me, one for Herc and one for Alex. Anytime we went out after school we took it in turns to get drinks. I couldn't ask for better friends, and Herc and me were dating now so that was amazing. When I was nearing the park, suddenly someone who I hadn't noticed was walking beside me pushed me against a nearby wall "well hello there my favourite French man" Charles Lee put a hand on my chest. "Y-You promised, never again" I stuttered, Lee smirked devilishly and put a finger under my chin "oh you know I was just having a little fun." I tried to get away but he held onto my shirt tightly. "You're not going anywhere" he whispered into my ear, I flinched as he stroked the side of my face with his finger. "W-we made a deal, y-you said that if I don't tell anyone, you wouldn't hurt me again" I wanted to scream for help but I knew something bad would happen. Lee laughed "think about that, I said I wouldn't 'hurt' you again" I instantly regretted not thinking about the deal when we made it.

Suddenly Hercules pushed Charles Lee away from me "go away Lee!" I quickly ran behind Herc. "Did you tell him?" Lee said while getting back to his feet, he sounded almost amused "i think you did." John and Alexander ran over "I got this" Laurens whispered to me, before hissing at Charles, making sure to show his fangs. In fear, Lee ran away. Shaking, I took a sip of my coffee to calm myself down, and Alexander took the other two cups from me.

We walked back to the bench we were sat at and stayed silent for a moment, finally Alexander spoke up. "I think we shoulder all go camping" he suggested "get our mind off things, also somewhere that Charles can't find Laf and we don't get tormented by Jefferson" we all gave our opinions on the matter with a few nods of the head in agreement.

The next day we went out to the mall and bought all the camping equipment we were going to need. I'm not going to lie, I was excited, one because I would be far away from Lee, two because I loved camping.

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