Ticket to Happiness

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One week later
*Tyler's POV*

It's been weeks, but it feels like months since I've seen or heard from Ashley.  I know things are complicated right now, and I respect that, but I'm aching to kiss her again. I'm longing to stroke her soft blonde hair, and I miss drowning in her blue eyes. It sounds so cliché, but to me it's so real. Ever since the day of the accident, all I can think about is how close I was to losing her. As mad and betrayed as I was, I knew in the moment I heard the news, that I couldn't live without her in my life. And now every time I see her, broken rib and all, I think that same thing. I love this woman like crazy and no matter how hard I try to get her off my mind, I can't. I am so madly in love with Ashley Victoria Benson.

I have an interview today with one of the worlds most famous tv interviewers, Oprah Winfrey. She asked me almost a month ago to come on her show and explain Ashley and I's relationship, but I was too depressed about the breakup to accept. Although now that we are on good terms again, I am more than willing to express my love for Ashley in front of thousands of fans. That being said, I dressed extra nice today, going for a full suit and tie, along with a fresh new pair of black Stefano Bemers. I looked confident, and was feeling confident too.

On the way out to the interview, I was unable to wipe the cheesy grin off my face while listening to our song, Falling Slowly. Suddenly my phone rings, and when I pick it up to read the caller ID, my heart does a giddy leap to see it's Ashley calling. I clear my throat before answering.

"Hey beautiful!" I smile, just imaging how absolutely stunning she looks now.

"Hey!" She replies. "What are you up to?"

"I'm on my way to the interview." I answer.

"Oh! I didn't know you had an interview. Was it a spur of the moment kind of deal?" She asks. I laugh to myself. She has no idea how long it's taken me to schedule this.

"Um, you could say that." I say, shaking my head at my dumb lie.

"Who's it with?" She asks. I can barely make out the playful laughter in the background, immediately longing to see Everleigh.

"Oprah Winfrey." I say, straightening my tie a bit as I do.

"What? Babe, that's amazing!" She exclaims. I smile when I hear her call me, babe.

"So why were you calling?" I ask, suddenly remembering the real reason I picked up the phone.

"Oh right!" She recalls. "I just wanted to know if you want to meet me sometime this week. I have some urgent exciting news and it can't wait long!"

Urgent exciting news? My heart skips a beat. Could Ashley be hinting that she made her final decision? Could this mean she chose me? My mind is racing at a million miles an hour and I quickly answer, yes!

"Does tomorrow night work for you?" Ashley asks. "I need to talk to you as soon as possible." I can literally feel her smiling through the phone.

"Yes that works!" I exclaim, without hesitation. I've been waiting for her to ask me that.

"Great!" She says adding a little chuckle at the end. "I'm looking forward to it."

"Me too!" I reply, unable to contain my excitement. She has no idea how long I've been anticipating this.

After talking for a while longer, and passing the phone back to Everleigh, I hang up the phone. I was already in a great mood today, but that conversation with Ashley put me in even higher spirits. I absolutely can't wait to nail this interview.

The interview was great, as I was assuming it would be. I'm still unable to hide my giddy smile, but I don't even care. I've never been so happy and relieved in all my life. I never thought I would get the opportunity to do this interview because of the breakup, but going in and doing it today just proved myself wrong. Talking about my love for Ashley in front of a huge crowd of people and on tv was an amazing experience. It really opened my eyes and made me realize just how deep my love for her goes. Tomorrow night can't come fast enough!

I drive home from the interview with the windows rolled down and the wind blowing through my hair. The weather is the perfect May temperature and the sun is high in the sky. Even the birds seem happy as they play their chorused melody overhead. Everything about today is perfect.

*Ashley's POV*
I just received word from Tyler that he had an interview with Oprah Winfrey today, but he's keeping the content a surprise. I feel giddy with excitement to announce who I've chosen, but sick with guilt at the same time. I don't want to break the other one's heart, and I know that by telling him it's not going to work for us, I'm going to do just that. I haven't told Everleigh who I've chosen yet either, only because I want to make sure he feels the same way,and that he really wants to do this.

I talked to him, and I told him that I wanted to meet with him tomorrow night so I can tell him in person. I just hope everything goes smoothly and no one takes it too harshly. I would hate for things to be awkward between the three of us.

*Ryan's POV*
I'm getting nervous. I haven't heard from Ashley in well over a week and I'm worried that she's chosen Tyler. Of course, I will be happy for them if that is the case, but I can't help wishing it were me. Tyler and Ashley are my best friends, and I could never just cut them out of my life because they're together. I keep trying to tell myself that I will be ok if Ashley doesn't pick me, by the truth is, I won't. I love Ashley so much and I don't know how I could ever look at her as someone besides my true love. I would be devastated, but not because of her, but because of me. I still mentally kick myself every day for leaving her. If I would have stayed, our lives would be so different. For one, we wouldn't be stuck in this horrible position, and two, I would have got to watch my little girl grow up. I would have got to witness every story Ashley tells about her, every moment of her life, I would have lived it too. Even though I've changed since then, how does Ashley know I won't walk out on her again? Right now, my best chance is to stay quiet, and hope for the best.

The next day
*Tyler's POV*

I spoke with Ashley again briefly on the phone to make sure we are still on for tonight. I hardly slept last night with so many thoughts, equally bad and good, rolling around in my mind.

I spent the majority of the day preparing myself both physically and mentally for the big moment tonight. I even ordered a brand new suit for the occasion. I also hired a professional photographer and may or may not have let a few fans in on the secret. I just hope everything goes as planned.

Before I leave the house, I quickly check my appearance in the mirror by the front door, adjust my tie, and discreetly touch my pocket, just to make sure that the box containing the engagement ring is still there.

Happy Monday everyone!!! Sorry if this chapter was kind of all over the place. I was at a loss for how I wanted this to play out. Next chapter is a good one, can't wait for you all to read! Kisses, K

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