An Alpha's Mate - Chapter 5

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     Chapter Five

        My eyelids fluttered open as the sun's rays hit my face. It took me a while to adjust to the brightness but when I did, I stood up from my bed and stretched out every possible limb of my body. I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand as I sluggishly walked out of my room and into the narrow hall way. Sitting on my couch was Damon, but he wasn't alone. Next to him sat a guy with the same body build as Damon, the only difference being that this guy has dirty blonde hair. Compared to Damon, he was an average looking guy who still managed to look intimidating.

        Hiding behind the plain, white wall, I was able to listen into their conversation. 

        "We've spotted more of them up North, I'm sure their planning something. We need to take action soon Damon." The guy said, his eyes hard and full of hatred.

        Damon looked deep in thought, his facial expression contoured into one of anger. "Tell Eddie to double the patrol around the pack borders." He ran a hand through his hair. "We need to keep the pack protected at all times, especially now that the pack finally has their Luna."

        The room became silent, and they both stood up from the spots on the couch. I saw the guy nod before Damon spoke up. "Adelaide, I know you're there."

        I leaned my head on the rough surface of the wall and let out a string of curse words. My heart was racing at an incredible speed that I thought that I was about to pass out. I took a deep breath and walked into the living room. Damon came over to my side, his face completely void of any emotion. His large frame allowed him to tower over me producing a sense of protection. 

        Looking over at the mysterious blonde, he gave me a gentle smile, one that I gladly returned. His presence was a reminder that I was upset with Damon for letting a  stranger inside of my home; however, one look at Damon's serious face had my anger diminishing.

        "Adelaide, this is Chance." Taking my eyes off of Damon, I glanced back at Chance who was bowing down at me. That was not normal at all. Was this how Americans greeted one another? I looked over at Damon and gave him a confused look.  

        Chance cleared his throat. "Nice to meet you, Adelaide." I nodded at him and muttered "Same." Seriously Adelaide? I saw as Damon and Chance exchanged quick glances. If I hadn't known any better, I would've thought that they were telepathically communicating.

        I was brought back into the situation when I saw Chance nod. "I'll be leaving now. Bye Damon. Goodbye Adelaide." I watched as his figure retreated from the room and closed the door behind him. Glancing over at Damon, he was staring at me intently.

        "Why was there another stranger in my house?" I asked.

        Damon smirked. "Another stranger?" He walked closer to me. " Who's the other stranger, Addie?"

        I gulped. "You."

        He laughed. "Oh really, I'm the other stranger? I thought you already knew who I was."

        "Just because I know your name and that you own that little village doesn't mean that I know you." I replied.

        He chuckled and shook his head. "You're perfect." I blushed. This was the first compliment that I have ever received from a guy, how was I suppose to react?

         "Come with me." Taking my hand, he led me out of my house. My heart rate accelerated as we walked into the direction of the same forest in which I had been nearly attacked by a wolf.

        Damon turned to look at me and stopped one he noticed my frightened expression. "What's wrong?" His voice was so soft and full of concern. He cupped my cheek with his hand, gently stroking it. I didn't want to tell him about my encounter with the wolf, so I just shook my head. "Nothing."

        He looked at me skeptically but nodded his head. We kept walking deeper into the forest, Damon was a couple of feet in front of me. When I heard the rustling of bushes, I ran to catch up to Damon and grabbed his hand. He looked down at me, surprise visible on his face, but he managed a smile.

         "There is nothing to be afraid of." He told me.

        "You don't know that." I snapped. "A couple of days ago, I was almost killed by a wolf!" I saw Damon's body become tense and his hold on my hand tightened.

        He remained quiet the rest of the walk. I was becoming bored of the same scenery: trees and grass. We had gone a lot further into the forest than when I came jogging on my own. After five minutes of a couple of more trees, a small pond came into view. I was amazed. Large stones surrounded the pond, and clutters of grass poked out of it. There were a couple of pink water lilies scattered throughout.

        "Wow, this is gorgeous." I told Damon.

        He scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, I guess." I giggled at his lack of comfort causing him to scowl at me. Turning away from him, I took a seat next to the pond and crossed my legs. I patted for him to sit next to me. He took a seat, his back facing the pond and his legs stretched out in front of him. His hands were placed on either side of him to support his upper body, and his eyes were trained on me.

         I tried to ignore his stare by looking out into the pond and reaching for one of the water lilies. "Why'd you bring me here?" I asked still not looking at him.

        "You said I was a stranger."

        Finally, I met his gaze. He was staring at me with such intensity, and I felt myself blush.

        "Seriously?" I asked with a slight edge to my voice. "What does this have to do with you being a stranger?" He raised an eyebrow at me. "This doesn't stop you from being a stranger."

         He grinned at me. "My name is Damon, I'm twenty-three years old, and I own this land." I waited for him to continue. "What else do you want to know?"

        I stared at him for a while thinking of something to ask him. All of my questions seemed childish, but I asked anyways. "What's your favorite color?"

        He looked deep in thought for a minute. I looked at the way his forehead wrinkled and the way his eyebrows were drawn closer to one another. "Blue."

        We spent a good hour learning little things about each other. Damon got serious all of the sudden. "Addie, there is something important that I need to show you."

        My smile faded. "Okay."

        He inhaled deeply. "I would've liked to wait, but I have to do this now for the sake of......the village." I was scared. For the third time today, my heart began to race. I didn't know what to expect, but I sure as hell hoped that there was no dead bodies at the bottom of the pond.

         He looked at me and whispered. "Don't be scared."

Nothing could prepare me for what I was just about to witness. Standing in front of me, was no longer Damon but instead the black wolf that I met when I first got here. The only difference this time was that it didn't look aggressive. I was frozen to the spot, staring at the animal with wide eyes. This was impossible right? Werewolves are not suppose to exist.

        The only thing that kept me from freaking out was the fact that the beast in front of me was Damon. Oh my god, Damon is a werewolf.


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